(singke) #1


Total Gathering Mudra: Cross both little fingers and ring
fingers and bend in the palms. The middle fingers are straight and
touching each other. The index fingers are slightly bent and away
from each other. The thumbs press on the ring fingers.

To invoke deities, form the same Mudra but with the
thumbs touching each other to make the hands look like the lotus
seat. Recite the Cundi Dharani seven times. Apply the Mudra on
the shoulders, the face, in between the eyebrows, on the hair,
down to the chest and recite the Cundi Dharani 108 times.

The Destroying the Heaven Ghosts Mudra: On each hand,
bend the thumb in the palm and press the other four fingers on it.
When suspecting the presence of ghosts, ferocious dragons, form
this Mudra and recite the Cundi Dharani.

Asuras Invitation Mudra: On each hand, the middle finger
presses on the thumb. All other fingers are straight like elephant
tusks, with the index and little fingers slightly curved. Move the
hand back and forth on the altar while reciting Cundi Dharani 7
times. All the Asuras will come over.

The Buddha said: This Dharani and its corresponding
Mudra can erase the ten sinful acts, the five sins, all serious
crimes, and enable one to realize all the doctrines and earn good
merits. There is no difference in the achievement of a monk or a
lay worshipper. Even if the lay worshipper is not a vegetarian or
a celibate, he is not considered impure. He only has to practice
my Dharma to achieve good result.

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