Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
10.1 The Rayleigh-Taylor instability of hydrodynamics 301

The perturbation is assumed to have the form

v 1 =v 1 (y)eγt+ik·x (10.9)

whereklies in thex−zplane and positiveγimplies instability. The incompressibility
condition, Eq.(10.5), can thus be written as

∂v 1 y

+ik·v 1 ⊥=0 (10.10)

where⊥means perpendicular to theydirection. Theyand⊥components of Eq.(10.7)
become respectively

γρ 0 v 1 y=−

∂P 1

−ρ 1 g (10.11)

γρ 0 v 1 ⊥=−ikP 1. (10.12)
The system is solved by dotting Eq.(10.12) withikand then using Eq. (10.10) to eliminate
k·v 1 ⊥and so obtain

−γρ 0

∂v 1 y

=k^2 P 1. (10.13)

The perturbed density, as given by Eq.(10.6), is

γρ 1 =−v 1 y

∂ρ 0

. (10.14)

Next,ρ 1 andP 1 are substituted for in Eq. (10.11) to obtain the eigenvalue equation



γ^2 ρ 0

∂v 1 y




γ^2 ρ 0 −g

∂ρ 0


k^2 v 1 y. (10.15)

This equation is solved by considering the interior and the interface separately:

  1. Interior: Here∂ρ 0 /∂y=0andρ 0 which case Eq.(10.15) becomes

∂^2 v 1 y

=k^2 v 1 y. (10.16)

The solution satisfying the boundary condition given by Eq.(10.8) is

v 1 y=Asinh(k(y−h)). (10.17)

  1. Interface: To find the properties of this region, Eq.(10.15) is integrated across the
    interface fromy=0−toy=0+to obtain
    γ^2 ρ 0

∂v 1 y

] (^0) +
(^0) −



gρ 0 k^2 v 1 y


(^0) − (10.18)
∂v 1 y
=−gk^2 v 1 y (10.19)
where all quantities refer to the upper (water) side of the interface, since by assumption
ρ 0 (y=0−)≃ 0.

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