Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
10.3 The MHD energy principle 309

Eq.(10.49) can be written as






γ− 1



2 μ 0









μ 0


γ− 1



=0. (10.51)

This is a conservation equation relating energy density and energyflux. The time deriva-
tive operates on the magnetofluid energy density and the divergence operates on the energy
flux. The energy density is comprised of kinetic energy densityρU^2 / 2 , thermal energy
densityP/(γ−1), and magnetic energyB^2 / 2 μ 0. The energyflux is comprised of convec-
tion of kinetic energyρU^2 U/ 2 , the Poynting vectorE×B/μ 0 , and convection of thermal
energy densityγPU/(γ−1).
The pressure and density both vanish at the magnetofluid surface, but the Poynting
fluxE×Bcan be finite. However, if the tangential electric field vanishes at the surface,
then the Poyntingflux normal to the surface will be zero. This situation occurs if the
magnetofluid is bounded by a perfectly conducting wall with no vacuum region between the
magnetofluid and the wall. On the other hand, if a vacuum region bounds the magnetofluid,
then a tangential electric field can exist at the vacuum-magnetofluid interface and allow
a Poyntingflux normal to the surface. Energy could thenflow back and forth between
the magnetofluid and the vacuum region. For example, if the magnetofluid were to move
towards the wall thereby reducing the volume of the vacuum region, any vacuum region
magnetic field would be compressed and so raise the energy contained inthis vacuum
magnetic field. Thisflow of energy into the vacuum region would require a Poyntingflux
from the magnetofluid into the vacuum region.
Let us now consider the energy properties of the vacuum region between the mag-
netofluid and a perfectly conducting wall. The equations characterizing the vacuum region
are Faraday’s law





and Ampere’s law
∇×B=0. (10.53)
Dotting Faraday’s law withB, Ampere’s law withEand subtracting gives




2 μ 0





μ 0


=0 (10.54)

which is just the limit of Eq.(10.51) for zero density and zero pressure. Thus,Eq. (10.51)
characterizes not only the magnetofluid, but also the surrounding vacuum region. As men-
tioned earlier, the Poyntingflux is the means by which electromagnetic energyflows be-
tween the magnetofluid and the vacuum region.
If the vacuum region is bounded by a conducting wall, then the tangential electric field
must vanish on the wall. The integral of the energy equation over the volume of both the
magnetofluid and the surrounding vacuum region then becomes


d^3 r





γ− 1



μ 0


=0 (10.55)

since on the wallds·E×B=0wheredsis a surface element of the wall. If the wall is
brought right up to the magnetofluid so there is no vacuum region, then Eq.(10.55) will also

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