Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
12.4 Semi-quantitative estimate of the tearing process 367

Using Eq.(12.21) this can be written as

∂Ω 1



μ 0 ρ 0




∇^2 ⊥Az


1. (12.28)

From Fig.12.2(c) it is expected that the vortices have significant amplitude only in the
vicinity of where the current bars are deforming and that at large|x|there will be negli-
gible vorticity. Thus, it is assumed that the vorticity evolution equation has the following

  1. Inner (tearing/reconnection) region: Here it is assumed that the perturbation has much
    steeper gradients than the equilibrium so



∇^2 ⊥Az 0



|∇Az 0 |




∇^2 ⊥Az 1



|∇Az 1 |

. (12.29)

This allows Eq.(12.28) to be approximated as

∂Ω 1


μ 0 ρ 0


∇Az 0 ×∇


∇^2 ⊥Az 1




μ 0 ρ 0

dAz 0



∇^2 ⊥Az 1



which shows thatJ 1 zcrossed withBy 0 generates vorticity. SinceBy 0 is antisym-
metric with respect tox,the vortices have the assumed antisymmetry. Furthermore,
becauseJ 1 zis symmetric with respect toxand localized in the vicinity ofx=0the
vortices are localized to the vicinity ofx=0.

  1. Outer (ideal) region: Here it is assumed thatΩ 1 ≃ 0 ,so Eq.(12.28) becomes

dAz 0



∇^2 ⊥Az 1


∂Az 1

d^3 Az 0

=0 (12.31)

which is a specification forAz 1 in the outer region for a givenAz 0 .Thus, it is effec-
tively assumed that the outer perturbed field is force-free, i.e.,(J×B) 1 =0so that
no vorticity is generated in the outer region.
The perturbed quantities will now be assumed to have the space-time dependence

Az 1 =Az 1 (x)eiky+γt
Ω 1 =Ω 1 (x)eiky+γt


so that Eq.(12.30) gives the inner region vorticity as

Ω 1 =


μ 0 γρ 0

dAz 0



∇^2 ⊥Az 1




γρ 0

dAz 0

ikJz 1. (12.33)

This satisfies all the geometric conditions noted earlier, namely the antisymmetric depen-
dence onx, the localization nearx=0and, consistent with Fig.12.2(c), a periodicity iny
that is 90^0 out of phase with the periodicity ofJ 1 z.
Using Eq. (12.23), it is seen that

U 1 x=

∂f 1
=ikf 1. (12.34)
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