Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

494 Chapter 17. Dusty plasmas

17.6 Dust ion acoustic waves

The presence of dust grains can also substantially modify the propagationproperties of
conventional ion acoustic waves. In a conventional electron-ion plasma, ion acoustic waves
can propagate only ifTe>>Ti. This is because strong ion Landau damping occurs when
the wave phase velocity is of the order of the ion thermal velocity and this is impossible
to avoid unlessTe>> Tisince the conventional ion acoustic phase velocity scales as
c^2 s=(γκTi+κTe)/mi.
As in the conventional ion acoustic wave, the derivation of dust ion acoustic waves
involves the linearized electron and ion equations

0 = −ne 0 eE 1 −κTe∇ne 1 (17.50)

ni 0 mi

= +ni 0 eE 1 −γκTi∇ni 1 (17.51)

but here the possibility of finiteTihas been retained in order to allow consideration of
theTe∼Tiregime. The wave frequency is assumed to be sufficiently high so that the
dust grains are unable to respond to the wave;the dust grains are effectively considered
as being infinitely massive and therefore stationary. In this limit the dust grains contribute
to the equilibrium quasineutrality conditionni 0 =ne 0 +Zdnd 0 but since the dust grains
are assumed stationary their density cannot change and so the linearized quasi-neutrality
condition isni 1 =ne 1 .Thus, infinitely massive dust grains affect the equilibrium electron
density, but not the perturbed electron density.
EliminatingE 1 between Eqs.(17.50) and (17.51) gives

ni 0 mi



ni 0
ne 0
κTe∇ne 1 −γκTi∇ni 1. (17.52)

Sinceni 1 =ne 1 andni 0 /ne 0 =ni 0 /(ni 0 −Zdnd 0 ), Eq.(17.52) becomes




1 −Zdnd 0 /ni 0

κTe∇ni−γκTi∇ni. (17.53)

Taking the divergence and using Eqs. (17.11) and (17.32) gives


∂^2 ni 1




1 −α


∇^2 ni 1 (17.54)

which gives the dust ion acoustic wave (Shukla and Silin 1992), a wave with phase velocity

c^2 DIA=


1 −α



. (17.55)

Asαapproaches unity, the dust ion acoustic wave phase velocity becomes muchgreater
than the ion thermal velocity even in a plasma havingTi=Te. The dust ion acoustic wave
thus propagates without being attenuated by ion Landau damping in aTi=Teplasma
havingα≃ 1 , which corresponds to the left side of Fig.17.2. Thus, the presence of a large
dust grain density enables the propagation of ion acoustic waves that normally would be
damped in aTe=Tiplasma;this has been observed in experiments by Barkan, D’Angelo
and Merlino (1996).

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