Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

Bibliography and suggested reading

Bateman G 1978MHD instabilitiesMIT Press Cambridge, Mass.

Bellan P M 2000Spheromaks : a practical application of magnetohydrodynamic dynamos and
plasma self-organizationImperial College Press London.

Birdsall C K & Langdon A B 1985Plasma physics via computer simulationMcGraw Hill New
Boyd T J M & Sanderson J J 2003The physics of plasmasCambridge University Press Cam-
bridge, U.K.;New York.

Chen F F 1984Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion2nd edn: Plenum Press
New York.
Cramer N F 2001The physics of Alfven wavesWiley-VCH Berlin;New York.

Davidson R C 1972Methods in nonlinear plasma theoryAcademic Press New York,.

Davidson R C 2001Physics of nonneutral plasmasImperial College Press;World Scientific
London Singapore;River Edge, NJ.

Drazin P & Johns R 1989Solitons: an IntroductionCambridge University Press Cambridge

Freidberg J P 1987Ideal magnetohydrodynamicsPlenum Press New York.

Goldston R J & Rutherford P H 1995Introduction to plasma physicsInstitute of Physics Pub-

Hasegawa A & Uberoi C 1982The Alfven WaveNational Technical Information Service, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 1982 Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Hutchison I H 2002Principles of plasma diagnostics2nd edn Cambridge University Press
Cambridge [England];New York.

Kadomtsev B B 1965Plasma turbulenceAcademic Press London, New York,.

Kivelson M G & Russell C T 1995Introduction to space physicsCambridge University Press
Cambridge [England];New York.

Krall N A & Trivelpiece A W 1973Principles of plasma physicsMcGraw-Hill New York.

Landau L D & Lifshits E M 1989MechanicsTeoreticheskaia fizika (Izd. 3-e). v. 1. 3rd rev.
english , repr. with corrections. edn Pergamon Press Oxford;New York.

Mathews J & Walker R L 1965Mathematical methods of physicsW.A. Benjamin New York.

Melrose D B 1986Instabilities in space and laboratory plasmasCambridge University Press
Cambridge [England];New York.

Miyamoto K 1989Plasma physics for nuclear fusionrev. edn MIT Press Cambridge, Mass.

Moffatt H K 1978Magnetic field generation in electrically conductingfluidsCambridge Uni-
versity Press Cambridge [England];New York.

Nicholson D R 1992Introduction to plasma theoryKrieger Pub. Co. Malabar, Fla.

Sagdeev R Z & Galeev A 1969Nonlinear plasma theoryFrontiers in physics;v. 34. W. A.
Benjamin New York,.


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