Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
Appendix A 517

However, using the same arguments about maintaining the dot and satisfying theprod-
uct rule shows that

∇(A·C) = ∇(C·A)
= (∇A)·C+(∇C)·A. (A.12)

Here the∇operates once on theAand once on theCaccording to the product rule and
the dot is always between theAand theC.Combining Eqs.(A.11) and (A.12) gives the
standard vector identity

∇(A·C)=A×(∇×C)+A·∇C+C×(∇×A)+C·∇A. (A.13)
Finally, the triple product with two∇’s can be expressed as







= ∇



       


other two
dotted together

       


other two
dotted together




or, without the labeling, as

∇×∇×A=∇∇·A−∇^2 A. (A.15)

The relationships∇·∇×A= 0and∇×∇ψ= 0can be proved by direct evaluation
using Cartesian coordinates.

Summary of vector identities

A×(B×C) = B(A·C)−C(A·B)
(A×B)×C = B(A·C)−A(B·C)
A·B×C = A×B·C,interchange dot and cross
A·B×C = B×C·A,cyclic permutation, cyclic order maintained
A·B×C = −A·C×B,cyclic permutation, cyclic order changed
∇·(ψA) = ψ∇·A+A·∇ψ
∇·(A×B) = B·∇×A−A·∇×B
(∇B)·A = A×(∇×B)+A·∇B
∇(A·B) = A×(∇×B)+A·∇B+B×(∇×A)+B·∇A
∇×∇×A = ∇(∇·A)−∇^2 A
∇·∇×A = 0
∇×∇ψ = 0
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