Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

relation to vector potential, 97
volume per unit, 334
flux linkage, 346
flux preservation, 272
flux surface, 96
in mirror, 91
flux tube
Grad-Shafranov solution for, 295
Fokker-Planck theory, 382
axial MHD force, 287
between parallel currents, 268
centrifugal, 79
flux-conserving, 273
hoop, 270
non-conservative, 286
pinch, 269
magnetic field, 344
force-free equilibrium, 322, 335
Bessel function model, 358
Lundquist solution, 358
force-free magnetic field, 268
in sheared non-neutral plasma, 477
frequently used formulae, 524
frictional drag, 391
qualitative derivation of, 37
proof of, 48
break-even, 297
criteria for, 296

Gaussian integrals, 59
geometric optics, 213
good curvature, 305
grad B
current, 93
drift, 80
force, 78
Grad-Shafranov equation, 278
Green’s function in diocotron mode,
group velocity, 201
guiding center

definition of, 76

Hall term, 48
formalism, 62
Hamiltonian, 64, 65
coupled harmonic oscillator, 430
geometric optics, 213
Helmholtz equation, 358
Hermitian part, 223
hollow profile, 474
hoop force, 270

ignitron, 29
ignorable coordinate, 64
image charge, line, 479
inductance, 272
induction equation, 49
in magnetic reconnection, 366
inhomogeneous plasmas, 210
initial condition
Poisson’s equation as, 179
initial value, 158
caviton, 451
decay, 428
free-boundary, 323, 326
kink, 325, 331
parametric, 428
positron-electron streaming, 150
Rayleigh-Taylor, 299
resistive wall, 471
sausage, 323, 331
streaming, 149
ion acoustic velocity
in sheath, 56
ion acoustic wave, 129
in decay instability, 439
Landau damping of, 170
Landau instability, 176
ion saturation current, 56
ion-ion resonance, 208
isothermal limit of energy equation,

J, second adiabatic invariant, 87

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