7.2.3 Microbiologicalhazards
Microorganisms are consideredto be the biggesthazard for the majority of the
foodprocessingindustry. Microorganisms are ubiquitousand rangefromviruses
to bacteriato molds,and yeasts.Manyof the microorganismsare considered
pathogenic; the onesthat can giveyou foodborne illnessthroughformation of
toxinsor causeinfections by ingestingthe organisms.Spoilageorganismscreate
shortshelf-life in ready-to-eatfoods.Organisms suchasSalmonella,Listeria
andStaphylococcuscausebillionsof dollars of loss due to foodborne illness
around the worldeachyear. An evengreatermonetary loss is due to microbial
spoilage when sanitation practicesare not followedowingto poordesignof
facilities and equipment and subsequentpoorsanitation programs.Theseminute
organismsare widespreadand are oftendifficult to control.But controlled they
mustbe in orderto produce foodsthat are safe to consumeand havesufficient
Sanitation and sanitary(hygienic) design are partners in conductingan
effectivesanitationprogram. Thischapter will concentrate on the kindsof
designneeded in orderto havea sanitationprogramthat is effective,efficient,
and workable.
7.3 Site selectionand plantlayout
Whendesigninga newfacility, sanitary designstartswithsite selection. The
typeof products to be produced should be consideredwhenselectinga site for
the newplant.If the productsare to havea highfat content(meat,poultry,
vegetable oils, etc.) thenthe site-surroundingareas should be relatively odor-
free sincefat is a flavor carrierand will pickup odors causingoff-flavorvery
easilyif exposed to odiferous conditions.Otherconditionsthathaveto be
considered are the prevailing winds± are theystrong and willthey blow
contaminatesinto the plant unlessspecial precautionsare takenat the plantsite?
Ideallythe plant will be constructed withreceiving/shippingdoorson the lee
side of the facility so the effect of prevailing winds blowing trash and
contaminatesinto the plantcan be minimized.
Is the location neara swamp or wildlife area(lots of insects, rodents,birds,
and other potentialcontaminates) and can theybe controlled or preventedfrom
the plant site oncethe facilityis constructed and in operation? Is the site located
nearan abattoiror a landfill or openagricultural fieldswheredustfromthese
placescan blowinto the plant?
Othersite considerationsincludeaccess to majorhighways, rail, and other
infrastructureconsiderations,depending on the typeof products being produced
and the logisticsnecessary for raw material handling and finished product
Is the plantto be a single story or multistory?Thereare advantages and
disadvantagesto each.A singlestoryfacility will give`lineof sight'manu-
facturing. Thatis, a supervisorcan see the entireprocessline without havingto
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