Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1
15.8 Bibliography

Guidelinefor the design of hygienicelectricalandcontrol/instrumentation cabling
Revision0.5 (draftissue)7 October 1998

No. 13 HygienicDesignof OpenProcesses,1996.
No. 26 HygienicEngineeringof Plantsfor the Processingof Dry ParticulateMaterials,

15.9 Appendix: abbreviations

AISI AmericanInternationalStandardsInstitute
BgVV Bundesinstitut fu»r gesundheitlichenVerbraucherschutz und Veterina»r-
DIN DeutscheIndustrieNorm
EHEDG EuropeanHygienicEngineering DesignGroup
EPDM Ethylene propylenedienemonomer, typeof rubber
FDA Food and DrugAdministration(USAfederal institute)
GRP Glass-reinforcedplastics
I/O Inputand output
IP Ingress protection
MCC Motor control centre
PVC Polyvinylchloride, typeof plastic
Ra Symbolusedfor indication of the surfaceroughness of materials, see
ISO 468 (1982)for definition. TheRavalue is given in micrometres

262 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry

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