Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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and foremost an integratedmanagementsystemand requires, therefore, that
thereis full and detailed specificationof the product and of everythingthat goes
intomaking, storingand distributing it; and management of the materials,
resources, measures and precautions to ensure that the specification
requirementsare fulfilled. ThisimpliesthatGMP is the primeconcern of
company chairmen, presidents and chief executives. Though not directly
concernedin designing or implementingGMP measures, it is theywhoare
responsiblefor establishingGMP policies and for providing authority,facilities
and resources to the functionalmanagersand staff(andthat includes provision
of competent managersand staff withappropriate skills).
GMP is the concern and responsibilityof every kindof managerin industry.
These are included in Table21.1.However, there are otherswhoneedto be
GMP-literate',includingthose in legislationand regulatory enforcement, and likewise those responsible for teaching the next generation of all those managerialfunctions.Academics cannotlegitimately takethe lineGMPis for
industry and doesnot concernacademia'.
It is evident that GMPhas two complementary,and interacting components;
the manufacturingoperationsthemselves,and a qualitycontrol/qualityassurance
system whichcan go by many designationsbut whichthe IFSThas designated
`food control'.
Both of these components must be well designed and effectively
implemented. The same complementarynature and interaction mustapplyto
the respectivemanagementsof thesetwofunctions, withthe authority and
responsibilities of eachclearly defined,agreedand mutually recognised.In this
context,the managementof the manufacturingfunction alsoembodies the
important other key functions contributingdirectservices or advice to the
manufacturing function.

Table21.1 WhoneedsGMP?

∑ Companychairmen,presidents,chiefexecutives
∑ Generalmanagers
∑ Plantmanagers
∑ Technicalmanagers
∑ Qualityassurancemanagers
∑ Foodhygienemanagers
∑ Productionmanagers
∑ Plantengineers
∑ Warehousemanagers
∑ Distributionmanagers
∑ Workstudymanagers
∑ Everyoneinvolvedin training
∑ All involvedin foodlegislationand foodlaw enforcement
∑ All involvedin teachingthe nextgenerationof all the above

326 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry
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