and model SOPsare available for a varietyof applications.However, these are
not necessarily universallyapplicable.An easywayout approach by industry
personnelmight be to focusmore on the minimumregulatory requirementsand
these modeldocuments thanon takingsufficienteffortto develop personalized
SOPsfor theirownoperations.As a result, the personneldo not havethe
necessary growth and team-building processes that are associated with
developingspecializedSOPs,whichcan be effectivelyimplemented in their
specific operation.
22.5 Sourcesof furtherinformation
There is a burgeoningamount of informationavailableregardingSOPsand
SSOPs and theirdevelopmentand implementation. The following is a partial list
of publicationsand internetsources of information:
(a) EnvironmentalProtectionAgency
∑ Guidance for Preparing Standard OperatingProcedures(G-6),March
2001, EPA/240/B-01/004 (
(b) Foodand DrugAdministration(
∑ Fishand Fisheries Products Hazardsand ControlGuidance± Third
Edition,June 2001
∑ JuiceHACCP Hazardsand ControlsGuidance ± FirstEdition, March
∑ NCIMSHACCP PilotProgramPhaseII Expansion
∑ USDA/FDA HACCP TrainingProgramsand ResourcesDatabase
(c) USDA/FoodSafetyand InspectionService (FSIS)(
∑ HACCPGuidance
∑ Key Facts: Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures
∑ Supervisory Guidelinefor the PathogenReduction/HACCPRegulatory
∑ Guidebook for the Preparationof HACCPPlans
∑ SanitationPerformanceStandards
(d) Seafood HACCP Alliance (
∑ HACCP:HazardAnalysisCritical Control PointTrainingCurriculum
(e) Meatand PoultryHACCPAlliance (
∑ Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (
(f) StateRegulatoryAgencies ± somestateagencies havepublished training
materials and documents.For example:
360 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry