of allergicreactions.At a minimum, any allergenrequired by localregulations
willbe declared. However, beyondthat,the allergenic risk fromfoodsnot
commonly known to be allergenic may be assessed if clinicalor epidemiological
data indicate the need.If thenclassedas a commoncauseof allergicreactions,
this foodcomponentwouldbe declaredon labels and includedin HACCP plans.
Unileveralso undertakesto inform any consumeron request aboutthe presence
of uncommonallergensin specificproducts.
Allergenmanagementguidelinesneedto ensurethat allergensare correctly
and intelligiblydeclared in products,but also to makesurethat allergenis not
presentinadvertently at levelslikelyto causeadverseeffectson health.Such
guidelines specifically needto address all stagesin the productlife cycle,from
its design,throughthe sourcing of ingredientsto manufacture,labelling and
distribution. Specifically,it needsto dealwiththe following:
∑ Innovation: is the use of the allergenic ingredient necessary for the
functionalityof the product or couldan equivalent non-allergenicingredient
serveas well?
∑ Supplychain: controlof allergensin the supplychain requires a close
relationship withsuppliers,so that theyunderstandour needsand can meet
our requirements. Typically,the startingpointof the supplier assessmentwill
be a questionnaireaboutallergenshandledand precautionsin place to avoid
cross-contact,including the existence of a HACCPplan.Thisis backedup by
periodic auditsof the suppliers'facilities. Additionally,suppliers are required
to seekagreement to any changein the formulationof the ingredient they
∑ Manufacturingprotocolsare anothercritical element. Mainconsiderations
are the inclusion of common allergens in HACCP plans, production
schedulingto minimise cross-contact,validated cleaning proceduresand
clearlabelling and separation of specificallergenic ingredientswithin the
factory. Procedures needto cover rework, where sound product is not
packaged but `recycled'. Staff training to understand the importance of
allergencontrol proceduresis vitaland improves support for whatcan be
additionalprocedures in the productionprocess. Finally, the samedegreeof
attention is needed whether the company's ownmanufacturingfacility is
concernedor that of co-packers.
∑ Packaging, promotion andadvertising: packaging carries the label and
therefore the allergeninformation.Careis required to ensurethat information
remainswith the product untilit reachesthe consumer. Otherconsiderations
includewarningsif the formulation has changed to includean allergenic
ingredient previously not present.
∑ Retailers: generally, the manufacturer's allergen information will be
sufficient. However, situationssuchas in-storepromotionsrequirecareto
ensurethat the consumer is fullyinformed. Soundproduct,whichfailsto
meetall standards for generalsale, maybe repackaged and soldon in
specialised outletsor evenin a differentmarket. The manufacturerneedsto
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