cleaningand therefore formation of a biofilm. Assumingthe cleaningdetergent
in a processline has a velocityof 2 m/s,a T-section with a lengthequalto the
diameter of the mainpipeline will receive only15%of this velocity(2 m/s),
whichis 0.3 m/s (see Fig. 27.1).Moderncleaningdetergents are often usedas a
last resortto minimizecross-contamination, but a bettersolutionwould be to
address the hygienic designissues that led to the contaminationin the first
Thecompositionof the detergentsusedin CIPsystemsis important. For
optimum cleaning, the detergentsusedand theireffectiveness in relationto the
cleaningparameters must be adjusted to one another. Finally,lack of education
and trainingfor systemoperatingpersonnel maybe a limitation.Personnelwho
are bettertrainedand educatedin the use and methodsof the systemwill be
betterableto respond to problemsand to suggest improvements.
27.2 Cleaning and disinfection parameters
27.2.1 Cleaning parameters
The four cleaning parametersthat are independent of the installation are shown
in the Sinner'scircle (see Fig. 27.2):detergent(R in the diagram),cleaning time
(Z), fluidmechanics (F) and temperature (T).
Fig. 27.1 Fluidmotionin a deadspace.(FederalInstituteof MilkResearch,Kiel,
426 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry