Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

38.4.1 Classificationof disinfectanttests
Disinfectant testscan be classifiedaccording to different criteria, suchas the test
organism (i.e. determinationof bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal or virucidal
activity), the type of action(i.e. static'orcidal' activity), the test structure(i.e.
in vitro, practical,in use)and the aimsof the test.
Protocols classified according to the test objectivecan be dividedinto three
mainstages:(1) primary testing and screening, (2) laboratory testingsimulating
possible real-life situations and (3)in locotesting(testingin the field)(Table
38.8).TheEuropean standardprotocolsfollowthe same three-stageclassifi-
cation:in phase1, onlysuspension tests are consideredwitha limited number of
microorganisms(e.g.EN 1040;1275).In phase2, conditionssimulatingpossible
applicationsare tested.Phase 2, step 1 test refersto more advancedsuspension
teststhat includeparameters suchas soiling and hardwater(e.g.EN1276;1650).
Phase2, step2 test concernspracticaltestssuchas carrier tests(i.e. surface
disinfection;e.g. EN13697; WI216024).In phase3, the antimicrobialactivityof
the compound is testedin situ.

38.4.2 Testing the activityof disinfectantsand sanitisers
Testing the antimicrobial efficacy of potentialdisinfectants and sanitisers
appropriatelyis essentialto ensurethe productwillmeetthe manufacturer's
claimsand to providethe end userwithreliable information. In Europe, the
CEN/TC 216 has the role of producing currentand future European disinfectant
testingstandards, whereasin the US the EnvironmentalProtection Agency
(EPA) and the Foodand DrugAdministration(FDA) are involved in their

Table38.8 Classificationof antimicrobialtestsaccordingto theirobjective

Teststage Phase Aim Exampleof Europeantests

Preliminary Phase1 Primarytesting EN1040(basicbactericidalactivity)
test and screening EN1275(basicfungicidalactivity)

In vitrotests Phase2 Simulatethe conditions
encounteredfor the
Phase2 Advancedsuspension EN1656and EN1276(bactericidal
step 1 test suspensiontest)
Phase2 Advancedsurfacetest EN13697(bactericidaland
step 2 fungicidalsurfacetest)

In situtest Phase3 Testingin real-life No standardantimicrobialtest
conditions available

Testingthe effectivenessof disinfectants and sanitisers 657
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