Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

∑ Is it alkalineor acidic?
∑ Doesit contain availablechlorine?
∑ Doesit contain peroxides?
∑ Doesit react withorganic material(suchas concentratedsulphuricacidor

To answerthesequestions it is sufficient for mostcases to use pH-paper,iodine±
starchpaper, peroxide test stripes, etc.
Potential hazards regardingcontactwithorganicmaterial can be checkedby
the immersionof a cottonswabintothe spill. A browndiscolorationof the
cottonor any visiblereactionis an indication not to treata spillwithorganic
adsorbents. As a generalrule no organic material suchas sawdustor cotton
shouldbe usedin areaswherechemical spills mightoccur.Alsosandis not a
genuineabsorbent.Products suchas diatomateousearthor specialabsorbents
sold for absorbing chemicals shouldbe availablein any chemicalstorageto be at
handwhen needed.

39.4 Conclusion

Tracing chemicalagents and good housekeeping of chemical products is
importantin the lightof foodsafetyand personnelsafety,and can be attainedby:

∑ installingand maintaininggood manufacturingpractices;
∑ trainingof operators and safetyofficers;
∑ safetyby design,not by coincidence.

Methodshavebeendescribed to allowthe positiveidentification of chemicals
not only before receiving, handling and use of chemicals but also when
discharging,and dealingwithold stocks or spills.

39.5 Futuretrends

Nowadays the rapiddevelopmenton the electronicsmarketleaves prediction
difficult. Electronicequipmentfor analysingchemicals becomesless expensive
and eventodaychemical companies havealreadystarted to use on-linenear-NIR
spectroscopyto analyse raw materials on delivery fromroador rail tankers.
Otherspectroscopicmethodsmightfollowand becomeavailableat lowerprice
levels. Multi-arraytechnologiescombiningautomatedanalytical sensors might
enable`fingerprint' identification of products. The near futuremightbringauto-
sensors that controland managecleanersand disinfectants during receptionand
whenconnectingto a dosingsystem, thuspreventingdangerousblendingof
concentratesor the applicationof wrongproducts. Simultaneously suchsystems
can generate reports for quality managementsystemsaboutthe productsusedfor
planthygienein foodprocessing.

Traceabilityof disinfectants and sanitisers 683
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