Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

ties associatedwiththeirHMS, and havefullyparticipated in the identification
and prioritisation of improvementopportunities. Full participationimpliesthat
theyact as members of the audit teamtogether withthe externalauditors.
Qualificationsof the external membershavebeenbrieflydiscussed above.
For our currentpurposeswe will needexternal members that haveno direct
conflicts of interest, representa set of fresheyes,haveexpertisein all relevant
areas± hygienicdesign,microbiology,sanitationsystems,statistical sampling
and data analysis,etc., observational skills, curiosityand willingnessto go out of
theirway to uncoverissues/root causes,workat all hours,haveexcellent people
skillsat all levels,includingthe ability to explain complexissuesand be great
communicators and teachers.Thisis a tall orderand in practice there needsto be
an understandingbetween auditees and the auditteam what the actualscopeof
the HMSimprovement audit will be, basedon the team'sactual skills and
Internal members will have to represent the various disciplines and
departments involvedin the HMS, be willing and ableto contributea detailed
knowledgeof localconditionsand practicesto the exercise,be eagerto learnand
improve and havethe ability to thinkoutsidetheirownlocal box.
The size of sucha mixedteamwill dependon the size of the operation,but
sizesbetween fourand eightmembers (50/50internal/external) usuallywork
well.Otherinternal sources maybe required on a temporary basisfor specific
purposes. The auditis led by the external team leader, whois also responsible
for the appropriateuse of auditrelatedmethods(data and root causeanalysis,
brainstormingsessions, etc.).

40.6.3 Preparation for the audit
For an auditto be both effective and efficient, bothsides will haveto do some
pre-work. The focusshould be on understanding the variouselementsof the
currenthygienemanagement system, and gaining some insightinto indicators of
past performance of the system. Thismayincludethe following:

∑ Lay-out of the site, including all zoning.
∑ Description of all processes, products and raw materials used.
∑ Trendanalysis of micro-data(e.g.swabbing data and trendsbeforeand after
sanitation, environmentalswabs, drains,etc.)and pest controlreports.
∑ Recalls/withdrawals.(Anything potentially relatedto hygieneconcerns?)
∑ Complaints history.
∑ Reports/citations/finesby visiting authorities.
∑ Previousexternal auditreports.
∑ Internal standards (is there an expectationthat equipment be designed
according to EHEDG/3A standards?, sanitation procedures including
chemicals used).
∑ Managementstructureand supervision(cleaningduringthe nightshift? By
∑ Internal training/refresherprogrammes.

Improvinghygieneauditing 691
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