and storagefacilities aroundthe globe.The emphasis needsto be on askingthe
rightquestions ± and for the auditteamto keepdigginguntilthe issueis clear ±
and to directlyobserve where possible.
∑ Managementexample and attention: as day-to-day hygienemanagementis to
a largeextentan issueof keepingworkers' attentionand commitment,is
management seento activelysupport and upholdthe hygienemanagement
systemin all its aspects? Importantelementsinclude personalbehaviour
(respect for zoning standards)and managementattention to the HMSas
expressed throughthe internal auditsand managementreview,whichare
normally part of ISO type QMSs.WhileISO has no specific focuson hygiene
(thoughit is a topicin ISO 15161^4 and the upcoming standard for foodsafety
management systems:ISO 22000), hygiene needsto be part of theseinternal
auditsand management reviews.
∑ Changemanagement:do internal management proceduresand records ensure
that relevant hygiene conditionswill be preserved or improved as a result of
changes to infrastructure, equipment, environment or service providers
(maintenance,sanitation or building)?
∑ Peoplemanagement:questions hereincludepersonalcleanliness, training,
discipline, the role of employeesin the continuous improvementprocess and
the role of people during hygiene-relatedissuesin the past (if any).A very
importantaspect hereis the managementof illnesses and injuries.Are the
plant'spoliciesand practicessufficiently specific and clearto all involved,
are theyoptimally conducive to maintainingsanitary conditionson site and
are theybeingfollowed?
∑ Contractors/visitors: hygiene managementsystems are inherentlyvulnerable
to contractors'activities, especiallyin moresensitive zones. Howare these
situations being managed?Is there any indicationthat contractors have
causedunsanitary conditions in the past?
∑ Maintenanceand repairworkmay threatenhygienicconditionsand may even
be completelyincompatiblewithongoingproduction in someareas. Howis
this managed?
∑ Hand-over procedures between shifts, and theirmembers' interpretationof
internalstandardsand procedures. There shouldbe consistency between
shifts,but that is not alwaysthe case, and for the auditteamthere is no other
optionthanto be thereand observe.
∑ Catering: while many companies have outsourcedcanteenfacilities and
catering, maintaining the appropriate food safety including hygiene
conditionsin the canteenremains of the utmostimportance. Howis this
managed,includingthe caterer'semployees?
∑ Uniforms (relation to zoning,locationof pockets, repair,replacement and
laundrypolicy,is thereany way that uniformscan carrycontaminantsfrom
the outsideinto the facility?)and personalitems/jewellery.
∑ Hand-washingfacilities± drying/footbaths/air curtains,hand-swabs/toilets,
are all thesefacilitiesappropriatelydesignedas such,are theyappropriately
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