(Axel Boer) #1

280 Dark matter search with innovative techniques

consists of detecting not the drift electrons, but the negative CS 2 ions, with a
considerably reduced diffusion because of the large ion mass. This experiment
points directly at the most decisive WIMP signature, the diurnal modulation of
the recoil average direction (section 8.1.4). By the end of 2001 a 20 m^3 TPC
should be in operation.
The ZEPLIN programme [32] is based on double readout (scintillation and
charge) in liquid xenon. When an ionizing particle deposits energy in liquid xenon
and an electric field is applied, two scintillation pulses are developed. The primary
pulse (amplitudeS 1 ) is due to the excitations in Xe atoms produced directly by the
particle interaction. The secondary pulse (amplitudeS 2 ) is generated by the drift
of the charge created by the primary interaction. Therefore, a low ionizing particle
like a slow nuclear recoil will exhibit a secondary pulse depressed in amplitude
with respect to the first one, if compared with an electron of the same energy.
On a similar footing as in section 8.3.1,S 1 /S 2 plays the role of a recoil-specific
The project CUORE [33] (‘Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare
Events’) consists of the largest PMD set-up ever conceived. It is based on the
experience collected by the Milano group on large mass arrays of low-temperature
calorimeters for rare decays [34]. It should consist of a tightly packed array of
1020 TeO 2 crystals for a total mass of 0.8 ton, to be cooled down to 10 mK.
Each element has a mass of about 800 g and uses a Ge ST (section 8.2.3) as
a thermometer. The relevant points of the project are the huge mass (which
provides sensitivity to seasonal modulation) and the low background, which can
be reduced significantly with respect to the∼1 event/(day kilogram keV) already
demonstrated with similar devices. This reduction should be achieved by the
operation of the detectors in coincidence, particularly effective in this case due to
the minimal amount of inert material among them. A preliminary test of CUORE
is in preparation at the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory (Italy).


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(Singapore: World Scientific)

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