Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Kiana) #1

  • CYMBALS (Hebrews tzeltzelim, from a root meaning to “tinkle”),
    musical instruments, consisting of two convex pieces of brass one held in
    each hand, which were clashed together to produce a loud clanging sound;
    castanets; “loud cymbals.” “Highsounding cymbals” consisted of two
    larger plates, one held also in each hand (2 Samuel 6:5; Psalm 150:5; 1
    Chronicles 13:8; 15:16, 19, 28; 1 Corinthians 13:1).

  • CYPRESS (Hebrews tirzah, “hardness”), mentioned only in Isaiah 44:14
    (R.V., “holm tree”). The oldest Latin version translates this word by ilex,
    i.e., the evergreen oak, which may possibly have been the tree intended;
    but there is great probability that our Authorized Version is correct in
    rendering it “cypress.” This tree grows abundantly on the mountains of
    Hermon. Its wood is hard and fragrant, and very durable. Its foliage is dark
    and gloomy. It is an evergreen (Cupressus sempervirens). “Throughout the
    East it is used as a funereal tree; and its dark, tall, waving plumes render it
    peculiarly appropriate among the tombs.”

  • CYPRUS one of the largest islands of the Mediterranean, about 148 miles
    long and 40 broad. It is distant about 60 miles from the Syrian coast. It
    was the “Chittim” of the Old Testament (Numbers 24:24). The Greek
    colonists gave it the name of Kypros, from the cyprus, i.e., the henna (see
    CAMPHIRE), which grew on this island. It was originally inhabited by
    Phoenicians. In B.C. 477 it fell under the dominion of the Greeks; and
    became a Roman province B.C. 58. In ancient times it was a centre of great
    commercial activity. Corn and wine and oil were produced here in the
    greatest perfection. It was rich also in timber and in mineral wealth.

It is first mentioned in the New Testament (Acts 4:36) as the native place
of Barnabas. It was the scene of Paul’s first missionary labours (13:4-13),
when he and Barnabas and John Mark were sent forth by the church of
Antioch. It was afterwards visited by Barnabas and Mark alone (15:39).
Mnason, an “old disciple,” probaly one of the converts of the day of
Pentecost belonging to this island, is mentioned (21:16). It is also
mentioned in connection with the voyages of Paul (Acts 21:3; 27:4). After
being under the Turks for three hundred years, it was given up to the
British Government in 1878.

  • CYRENE a city (now Tripoli) in Upper Libya, North Africa, founded by
    a colony of Greeks (B.C. 630). It contained latterly a large number of
    Jews, who were introduced into the city by Ptolemy, the son of Lagus,

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