Isaac and Rebekah there is a circular opening in the floor into the cavern
below, the cave of Machpelah. Here it may be that the body of Jacob,
which was embalmed in Egypt, is still preserved (much older embalmed
bodies have recently been found in the cave of Deir el-Bahari in Egypt, see
PHARAOH), though those of the others there buried may have long ago
mouldered into dust. The interior of the mosque was visited by the Prince
of Wales in 1862 by a special favour of the Mohammedan authorities. An
interesting account of this visit is given in Dean Stanley’s Lectures on the
Jewish Church. It was also visited in 1866 by the Marquis of Bute, and in
1869 by the late Emperor (Frederick) of Germany, then the Crown Prince
of Prussia. In 1881 it was visited by the two sons of the Prince of Wales,
accompanied by Sir C. Wilson and others. (See Palestine Quarterly
Statement, October 1882).