Quality Money Management : Process Engineering and Best Practices for Systematic Trading and Investment

(Michael S) #1

This book offers a framework and guidelines, not rigid formulas. We recommend you tai-
lor our standard process to suit your projects and your organization ’ s culture.
Firms that learn quality will thrive at the expense of firms that do not. Organizational
survival should be the incentive for systematic innovation, quality, and continual improve-
ment. Implementing quality is not easy, nor is it done through simply reading this book.
It takes a lot of work, but now is the time to start. We expect that many of you will suc-
ceed in changing your approach to building trading/investment systems. Others of you,
however, will continue to put projects on the fast track and blame the financial engineers
and the traders and the programmers for failure. Only in retrospect, then, will you learn
the true value of quality.

30.5. I N CONCLUSION 277

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