54 CHAPTER ◆ 4 Managing Design and Development
system. If this is not the case, the operational risk increases due to having inexperienced
people fixing problems. Very often, product teams move on to other design and develop-
ment projects after implementing a new system. To the extent that teams may work on mul-
tiple systems, the goal is a continuous flow, or pipeline, of systems, each time increasing the
velocity by improving the inputs and outputs of each step of the process. The product team
should include individuals with the following skill sets and responsibilities:
Traders or portfolio
managers Computer programmers Financial engineers Marketing professional
Trading Prototype development Quantitative research Gather information on
competing systems
Strategy development Time lines Backtesting Raising investment capital
Performance testing Performance testing Performance testing Performance testing
Implementation of
Object and data maps Prototype development Risk and portfolio
attribution analysis
Risk and portfolio
attribution analysis
Software design,
programming, and code
GUI and regression testing Develop and present
marketing materials
We recommend, depending on the nature and size of the project, one senior program-
mer and two junior programmers. (The goal is redundancy due to the risk of a single
point of failure.) The lead programmer manages a software development team for Stage 3.
A marketing professional should be involved in performance testing and monitoring of
the trading/investment systems for suitability with the interests of the targeted investor
group. Marketing a trading/investment system must interact with engineering and can-
not exist separately from it, right from the outset. The product team writes the Money
Document, which will clarify for all team members the business goal of the project.
Clarity of purpose should eliminate problems associated with an information technology
vision, a financial engineering vision, and a trader ’ s vision that are not all the same. This
should result in fewer broken promises later on.
Very important is the value stream manager, that is, team leader (who is usually also
a functional team member), who directs the value-stream mapping process, approves the
schedule, timeboxes (planning the schedule is best done by someone with experience
using Gantt charts and critical path methods, which may very well be the lead program-
mer) and budget, moderates discussions, and in time of deadlock casts the deciding vote.
The team leader also interacts with top management and investors, and leads presenta-
tions at gate meetings. Additionally, the team leader sets bonuses for team members,
which gives the team leader equal power over a member ’ s functional manager. Both
management and the team members review the team leader once the project is complete.
Normally, a financial engineer or senior IT professional makes better team leaders.
Additionally, as said, a team may have a facilitator, someone who is well versed in qual-
ity and teamwork, and helps the team interact more effectively, say, by having more produc-
tive meetings. A facilitator helps the team work smarter, but does not directly participate
in the team ’ s work or act as a rubber stamp for management. In this capacity, a facilitator
keeps meetings on track, focusing discussion on gate deliverables, not hidden agendas.
In total, we recommend a product team size of between three and ten people. Smaller
teams work faster and tend to produce results more quickly, while teams of greater size
usually require additional advising and even subteams to operate effectively. Larger teams