Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
Mayi] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

as one of you. Let me come forthby day, andwalkuponmy own
legs. Let me have the feet of the Glorified.
I know the mysterious pathsandthe gates of Aarru fromwhence
I come. Heream I, and I come that I may overthrow mine
adversariesuponearth,thoughmy dead bodybe buried.
If this chapter be known he will re-enter aftercomingforthby day.

r. The Swallow^^w"^fe=»- Theobjectionto this meaning
is that the bird in question waseaten; and that dovesor pigeons
would be less meagTe foodthan the Swallow, and thereforemore
probablyintended in the Egyptian texts. But Swallows are still
eaten at Rome, where like Give Newcomewe may be regaled
not only with " wild swansand ducks" but with " robins, owls,
and olwvoiatre iruat for dinner." And Willughby,the naturalist,
founda large quantityof swallows beingsoldfor food at Valenciain
Theflat head, the short legs,and the tail of the bird are charac
teristicnot of the pigeon but of the swallow, andon many pictures
(e.g.pi. xxi, vignette fromLeydenpapyrus)we are reminded of the
eVi"/aoTepa XcvKa
eVJ vSnafieXaiva.
It is not quite plainwhythe name of Scorpion shouldbe given

to the bird, but the name ft <— ^a ** of the insect in itself implies

nothingmorethanthe characteristic whitenessof colour.

  1. Touched withmy two hands the Heart of Osiris.
    A \ „_^ is the origin of the Coptic (fop, ' touch.' The
    wordHearthas dropped out of the later texts(e.g.,the Turin copy),
    but in the older papyriit is found in the form of (1 1 or ^.

Chapterwherebyone assumeth the formof Se-ta.
I am Seta —full of years.
I lay myself down[in death], and I am born daily.
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