Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

June5] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

□ '. ' 1 w 1
forma series in arithmetical progression. In I. 2 for v&
—— d XIII
No. 65. " Instance (?) of making breadf\ for 10 persons,

i^^^^^^=^r5^sindudins acknemu (?)
a thesu anda door-keeper with double(allowances)." y ^\ vfc is
the plain transcription of the firsttitle, but it may be doubted
whether^ ^K wiorn ^\ v& is not intended.
Thethesuis a "ganger."
It goes on : " Add thou all the men together evenly"

"K ^Sf^Jt ° "it becomes 13." The 10 persons, three

of them havingdoubleportions,countas 13 with equalshares.
No.66. 10 heqat of fat in a year makehowmuchper diem?
No. 67. In I. 2 a patch of papyrus has been gummedovera
crack,and the writing has been clumsilycopiedon to the patch.
" Example of reckoning the produce of a herdsman. Behold
thisherdsman hascome to the stocktaking with 70 oxen. This
reckonerof the oxen saysto this herdsman c— *a Jr Q I *v£5J 1
0 L_n <h>- ^ ^? tt '
|\ veryfew? (or Jr " very fine " (?) ) are the heads of
of oxen you are contributing : what is the whole numberof (v-^)
yourheadsof oxen of various kinds(dsha). Thisoxherdsaysto
him,' I am contributing to you § of £ of the oxen thatyouhave
committed (?) to me : I have reckoned andI found that I had
completed(my contribution)." A calculation is then made,resulting
in 315 "as the number that had been committed(?) to him,"
s-api-nf,\ of \ of it being 70, " those thathe contributed."
J\ " bring " is the technical wordfor " contribute," " pay taxes,"
&c,ands— 1 *|\ .-" equally technicalfor full dischargeof a
contributionin the Bulak Papyrus,No. 18. Theherdsmenprobably
farmedthe stock of great owners, andwereaccustomedto repay
yearlya certain proportionatenumberof animals withtheircalves.
No. 68. " If the scribe saysto thee ^\fc$jBrim 4 gangers
earn 100 large quadrupleheqatof corn ; the workmen of the first
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