Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

  1. Thatto tV which(of the last)has to be deducted accordingJ (^1) " , , ,. , , W. ' tqa '

  2. Remainder (of 100), whichis to be given 93§ heqat.

  3. Makes in s_hes-com in heqat ... ... 93^.

  4. Makes in double heqat ... ... ... 47-j-g-f(sic).
    Thereare plenty of obscurities andsmall mistakeshere,but the
    generalsenseof it can be gathered.
    Withl. 1 2 another sectionbegins. It is not marked by Eisenlohr,
    but may be called 82a.
    1 2. Account of fat goose, whatit eats :—
    1 o birds ... ... 1 ^ heqat.

  5. Makes in 10 days ,. ... ... 12^(12^).
    14- »» 4° » » 5°-

  6. Makes in shes-zom in double heqat23f£i£(afterdeducting

  • of f).
    No. 83 :—
    1, 2. If the food of 4 re-geese "j
    of those thatare cooped > northern corn a henu.
    up be of J

  1. belongto 1 re-goose -^ heqat + .s^-s.
    4, 5. If the food of re-goose thatentersthe pond be of northern
    corntV »V tI^ !wat (for 4 geese).
    it is 1 hin to 1 re-goose
    makingfor 10 re-geese 1 heqat
    „ in 10 days 10 heqat
    „ in a month '"^^f3 30 heqat
    Line9. Daily allowanceof food of a
    re-goosebeingfattened,it eats heqat
    terp-goose ...
    a crane (zat)
    a je/-duck, sheldrake(?) ...
    a 5er-duck, teal (?) ...
    a turtle-dove (menut)
    a quail (part)*
    All of these birdsare to be found in the sculptures : see, e.g.,
    Diimichen's Resultate, PI. IX, bottom row, where, however, the
    namesare not given. I shall returnto the subject of the identifica
    tionof these birdsin another place.

* For the name of the quail see Loret,,p. 25.

••• iirVV&fPer bird.
* • - 8 itiri 0
"'. 8 1 1 3T »i_ 3 90
•*' 3 12 6 4 "SiTF^11
•** a*^1 "3"a<y^3

'* 3 2U


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