Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
Tune5] PROCEEDINGS. [1894-


By A. C. Bryant, B.A.,andF. W. Read.

In a lengthy andimportantnoteto his translation of a Hymn tb
Amen-Ra,M. Gre"baut demonstratedthatthe real meaningof the
royaltitles^\^was not King of Upper and Lower Egypt,but King
of the whole earthof the South andKingof the whole earthof the
North. In his reference to the ftc'/a? fJaatXcv?tCbv^c tivw Kal twi,
Ka-tuix<"Pa,"of the Rosetta Stone, he appears, it is true, to have
modifiedhis opinion a little, but this hesitationdoesnot affect his
previousargument. Thenew interpretation was apparently accepted
by Mr. Renouf.t butin some recent articlespublishedin the Pro
ceedingsof tfie Society of BiblicalArchaology\ he appears to hint at
some different rendering. If in the stele of Paanhi the words
"* and]£fe are used separately to express the idea of king or
kinglet,§thatfact would tell as much againstthe view of M. Grebaut
as it would against the older translation. It would of course be
absurdto translate ^^^j||^=^^ b? "KinS
in Heaven of Upper Egypt, King uponEarthof Lower Egypt,"
andso forth, || but it would be equally absurdto say " King of the
Southin Heaven, Kingof the North uponEarth,"etc. [Mr.Renouf
mighthavestrengthened thispartof his argument by a comparison
between the Greek text of the Rosetta Stone and the steleof
Damanhur.H Althoughnot perfectly satisfactory, the general cor
respondencebetweenKVplovTfiiaKOVTaeTijpicujv,KttOi'nrc/> 6 "HfaitOTOi o
fii-jai' fiaoiXcw«, KaOtnropo ijXto? [oj fw/a? /ia<xi\or?,tuivtf okw kiu

* Bibliotheque de l'Ecole desHautesEtudes: Sciences Fhilologiques et
Historiques. Fasc.21.
t See Hibbert Lectures,1879,p. 162.
X Vol. XIV,pp. 23-25, 108-111.
§ Proc. Soc.Bil'l.Arch.,Vol.XIV,p. 23. I Ibid., p. no.
% " La Stele 5576 du Musee de Boulaq," Rentaldc Travaux, Vol.VI.
255 V
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