Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

June5] PROCEEDINGS. [1S94.

countrymight appropriatelybe drawn. " Its pehu" saysGoodwin
in a note on this passage, "was^^ | \\ 1 — 1 , which maymean'the
pool of the proclamation of the two gods.' In this name we have
probablya trace of the legend whichmakesthis locality to have been
thatwhereHorusandSet divided the land."
The earth, or the country, having been thus divided, Sebu
appointedHerukingof one half, andSutiof the other.

Suti is made suten of the southern land,andHeru nat of the
northern land. It is clear thenthat in the mind of the original
authorof this text the titles ^\^did have somereferenceto earthly
Originally, without doubt, divine titles, theywere afterwards
adoptedby the sovereign. Usedseparately,eitherseemsto have
had the simple meaningof king; but as r~"7"lT "the twolands,"
meantthe land of the Southand the land of the North, so ^aR,
" the two kings," meantKingof the South andKingof the North.
To disprove thiswouldrequirefar stronger evidencethana text of
the time of the Ptolemies.

* Sharpe, Egypt,lnscr.,PI. 36, line 17.

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