Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1


ThefollowingDonationsto the Librarywere announced,
andthanksorderedto be returned to the Donors :—

Fromthe Rev. R. Gwynne, Secretaryfor Foreign Correspondence.
Catalo;ue of the Syriac the Convent of St. Catharine
on Sinai. By Mrs. Lewis. Cambridge University
Catalogueof the Arabic the Convent of St. Catharine
on Mount Sinai. By Mrs. Gibson. Cambridge University

An Arabic Versionof the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans,
Corinthians,Galatians,withpartof the Epistle to the Ephesians ;
from a Ninth CenturyMS. in the Convent of St. Katharine
on Mount Sinai. Edited by Mrs. Gibson. Cambridge Uni
versityPress, 1894.

Catalogue of Antiquities from the Temple of Coptos, dis
coveredin 1894.

Fiom the Author:—Prof. Dr. Paul Haupt. Johns Hopkins
UniversityCirculars. Vol.XIII,114, July, 1894,containsa
numberof articles by Dr. Haupt andothers.
TheBookof Ecclesiastes. Philadelphia. 8vo. 1894.
TransitiveandIntransitiveVerbsin Semitic. 8vo.
EinigeVerbesserungenunci NachtnigezumeinenAkkadischen
undSumerischenKeilschrifttexten. 8vo.
Uebereinen Dialektder Sumerischen Sprache. Gottingen.
8vo. 1880.
Beitriigezur Assyrischen Lautlehre. Gottingen. 8vo. 1883.
TheBattleof Hallule, b.c. 691. Andover. 8vo. 1886.
GlossarI. Worterverzeichniss zumSintfluthberichte. 8vo.
TheAssyrianWriting. 8vo.(onesheet). 1888.
UberdenHalbvocalu im Assyrischen. 8vo.
The Assyrian E-vowel, a Contribution to the Comparative
Phonology of the Assyro-Babylonian Language. Baltimore.
8vo. 1887.
BiblicalandHistoricalCriticism. TheLanguageof Nimrod,
the Kashite. 8vo.
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