Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1


maticalformsandthe same generalcharacter,distinctfromSyriac
andnot absolutely identicalwiththe Targumim.
In order to obviate a possible objection,viz.,thatJerahmeelmay
havegot hold of another versionof Josippon and have transferred
thesetwo texts fromit into his Chronicle, especiallyas the copyist
addedherea note, includedby me in brackets, to the effect that
"from here on Jerahmeel copied from Todos and the Jewish
Josippon,"it is necessary to point out that these very texts are
to be found also in his extracts from Josippon, totally different
fromthe Aramaic text,andcorresponding entirelywiththe printed
editionsof that book. Thisalonesufficesto prove the accuracy
and faithfulnessof Jerahmeel, whorepeated the same textstwice,
copyingthemfromtwo different sources. It gives furthercredibility
to the authorship of these Aramaic portions in his Chronicle, a
credibilitywhichtheyfullydeserve, as it is borne out by the com
parisonbetweenthemandthe Greek translationof Theodotion.
(To be continued?)

The next Meetingof the Society will be holden at 37,
Great Russell Street,Bloomsbury, W.C., on Tuesday, 4th
December,1894,at 8 p.m.

I. Dr. M. Gaster.— " Two UnknownHebrewVersionsof the
II. Theo. G. P^xhes.—"TheLamentof the Daughter of Sin."

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