The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
102 Is The Bible God’s Word?

  • ‘‘And the Lord said unto him, Away, get thee down ..

  • “And Moses said unto the Lord, the people cannot come ..

  • “And the Lord said unto Moses, Go on before the people..

  • “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying ,.

  • “And the Lord said unto Moses, Get down, charge the ..

It is manifest and apparent that these are NEITHER the Words

of God NOR of Moses. They indicate the voice of a third person
writing from hearsay.


Could Moses have been a contributor to his own obituary before

his demise? Did the Jews write their own obituaries? “ So Moses

... DIED... And he (God Almighty) BURIED HIM (Moses)
... he was 120 years old when he DIED... And there

arose not a prophet SINCE in Israel like unto Moses..

(Deut. 34:5-10). We will analyze the rest of the Old Testament

presently from other angles.
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