The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Acid Test 115


11 So Gad came to David,
and said unto him, Thus saith
the L ord, Choose thee
12 Either three years’ fam­
in e: or three months to be
destroyed before thy foes,
while that the sword o f thine
enemies overtaketh thee;

If God is the Author of every single word, comma and full-stop in
the Bible, as the Christians claim, then is He the Author of the
above mentioned discrepancy as well!

Note the reproduction on page 114 and above. Compare both the
quotations. 2 Samuel 24:13 tells us — “ So Gad came to David,
AND TOLD HIM, and said unto him,...” These words are repeated
word for word in 1 Chronicles 21:11, except the redundant “ AND
TOLD HIM” is removed! But while trimming the useless phrase, •
the author also pruned the time factor from “SEVEN” years to
“THREE” years. What did God say to Gad — Three or Seven
years plague — “on both your houses?”

See page 116. Compare the two quotations. 2 Chronicles 36:9 tells
us that JEHOIACHIN was “ eight” years old when he began to
reign, while 2 Kings 24:8 says that he was “ eighteen” when he
began to reign. The “ unknown” author of KINGS must have
reasoned that what possible "evil” could a child of eight do to
deserve his abdication, so he generously added ten years to make
JEHOIACHIN mature enough to become liable to God’s wrath.
However, he had to balance his tampering, so he cut short his reign
by 10 days! Add TEN years to age and deduct TEN days from
rule? Could God Almighty say two widely differing things on the
same subject?
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