The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Acid Tesl 123

2 Chronicles 4:5 increases the kingly count by 50% to 3 000!
What extravagance and error in the “Book of God”! Even if God
Almighty had nothing else to do, would He occupy Himself
“inspiring" such trivial contradictory nonsense to the Jews? Is the
Bible God's Book? Is it the Word of God?


Before I conclude this series of contradictions, let me give you
just one more example. There are hundreds of others in the
Bible, See page 122. It is Solomon again. He really does things
in a big way. The ex-Shah of Iran was a nursery kid by
comparison! The author of 2 Chronicles 9:25 gives Solomon one
thousand more stalls of horses than the number of baths he had
given him. “ And Solomon had FOUR thousand stalls for
horses.. But the author of 1 Kings 4:26 had real kingly
thoughts about his royal patron. He multiplied Solomon’s stalls
by 1 000% — from 4 000 to 40 000 stalls of horses! Before
some glib evangelist draws the wool over your eyes that the
difference is only a nought, a zero — “0”; that some scribe or
copyist had inadvertently added a zero to 4 000 to make 40
000, let me tell you that the Jews in the time of Solomon knew
nothing about the zero — “0”! It was the Arabs who introduced
the zero to the Middle East and to Europe centuries later. The
Jews spelt out their figures in words in their literary works and
did not write them in numerals. Our Question is — Who was the
real author of this staggering discrepancy of 36 000? Was it God
or man? You will find these references and many more allied
facts in a very comprehensive book — “ THE BIBLE — Word
of God or Word of M an?” by A.S.K Joommal.

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