The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Most Objective Testimony 131

Genesis alone! Out of this another incestuous relationship comes:
the “ Ammonites” and the “ Moabites,” for whom the God of
Israel was supposed to have had special compassion. Later on in
the Bible we learn that the Jews are ordered by the same
compassionate God to slaughter the Philistines mercilessly —
men, women, and children. Even trees and animals are not to be
spared, but the Ammonites and the Moabites are not to be
“ harassed” , “ distressed” or “ meddled” with because they
are the seed of Lot! (Deuteronomy 2:19).

No decent reader can read the seduction of Lot to his mother,
sister or daughter, not even to his fiancee if she is a chaste and
moral woman. Yet you will come across perverted people who
will gorge this filth. Tastes can be cultivated!

Read again and mark Ezekiel 23. You will know what colour to
choose. The "whoredoms" of the two sisters, Aholah and
Aholibah. The sexual details here put to shame even the
unexpurgated editions of many banned books. Ask your “ born
again” Christian visitors, under which category will they classify
all this lewdness? Such filth certainly has no place in any “Book
of God.”

Al-Haj A.D. Ajijola in his book — “ The Myth of the Cross,”
gives a masterly expose of the fallacy of the Bible as well as of
the crucifixion, in short, the whole of Christianity. No student of
comparative religion can afford to be without this publication and
“ THE B IB LE: Word o f God or W ord of M a n? ” men­
tioned earlier on page 123.

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