The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(^190) Crucifixion or Cruci-ficiion?

  1. BACK FROM THE DEAD - After being thought dead for 2
    days — (“ Post” 25/7/65).

  2. “CORPSE” MINKS AT UNDERTAKER - Doctor wrote out a
    death certificate — (“ Daily News” 25/3/75).

  3. “CLINICALLY DEAD” — Toddler alive after hour-long revival
    battle — (“ Natal Mercury” 5/12/82).

  4. WAS HE DEAD OR ALIVE? — The dilemma facing
    transplant doctors — (“ Sunday Tribune” 17/7/83).

  5. SHAKEN AND STIRRED - Declared clinically dead “from
    too much Christmas liquor” — (“ Daliy News” 3 / 1 / 84 ).

This sombre list would be incomplete without the picture of an
exclusive club, the only qualification of whose membership is —
TO HAVE DIED AND LIVED AGAIN! If everything happened to
Jesus “ according to the Scriptures,” then, he could easily
become its doyen (Senior member of a body).

Qualification for membership: To have died and lived again.
From the left are: Mr. Percy Hopcroft, Mrs. Dorothy Oickms. Timothy Poole, Mrs.
Kathleen Holder and Mrs. Molfy Barnes.Barbara Poo'e, Mr. Desmond While, Mrs.
Mr. Hopcroft died Jfl rears ago m hospital, was drought sack again py artificial respiration.
Mrs. Oickms, mother of seven, died twice on the same day Friday the 13th- during an opera­
tion. The first death lasted two-anrt-a-ha!f minutes. The surgeon made an incision above
he' hear!, revived her by massage. Just when

he had sewed her up her heart stopped ior four minutes. again

Timothy Poole is the nine-year-old son of Mrs.Barbara Poole, whose heart stopped for two (^)
minutes when Timothy was born, And it tooka doctor 30 minutes to bring Timothy to Ufa
Deemond White, n-year-oid conscript serving mGermany, died (or four minutes last Decem­
ber Mrs. Kathleen Holder minutes t5 yaars ago. Mrs. Molly Barnes<3»> died for si*
141). died two years ago during a mastoidoperation.

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