The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

208 C rucifixio n or Cruci-ficiion?

“One on thy right hand,
and the other on thy left hand
in thy Kingdom"
(HOLY BIBLE) 10:3 7

The reason for his reticence is that the “beloved disciple” is his
namesake, i.e. his name is also John! The rest of the disciples were
nowhere to be found when he (Jesus) was most in need. They all
had, as Mark says,

“ forsaken him and fled!"
(HOLY BIBLE) Mark 14.50

WEEKEND WORLD, Sunday, Auguit 3, 1969

Crucified man

hung on cross

face as Newcastle barman, LE FT: A friend hide* hi*
Mr Pleler van der Eergh, Is nailed io a cross.

NEWCASTLE Blood sported from the hands Newcastle barman, Mr Pieter van der Bergh last of a
week, after he was publicly c rue fried In one of South Africa j weirdest religious" services
Hundreds of people, ‘ncludmg scores of children watched a s & inch nails were driven through Mr
van der Bergh s hands and right foot, a n d he drooped for 20 minutes from a six foot cross Mr
van det Bergh told m e he held the crucifixion to prove that m a n was master over his body
Most spectators attended out of morbid curiosity and shouted protests when views of the grotesaue
ceremony were blocked by photographers
Mr R Riethoven used a bunder's metal hamm er to force the non through Mr van der Bergh s flesh
driven home while cries of Mr van der Bergh did hot flinch as the nails were S*t dewn in front' ond
circus groundwe want to see too' echoed over the Newcastle
Several women turned away shocked, and children g ap e d open m outhed Men lifted the cross from
the ground a n d m anhandled it into a shallow hole where it was fixed in position
An f8 inch spike was plunged through Mr van der Bergh s thigh For 20 minutes he hung on the
cross chanting psalm s ond giving a sermon
No blood flowed while he was there
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