The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Jesus Noi Resurrected 215



23rd JULY, 1961

Man's heart stops

but he tives on

npHE heart of a 52-year-old man stopped after a minor opera-SUNDAY EXPRESS REPORTER^
but within (he four-minute deadline in such cases his chest hadA tion at Johannesburg’s South Rand Hospital last week,
been opened and hand-massage restored him to life.

He was ’dead'
thin? wrong. When the surgeon One ot Lhe staff noticed some­
arrived. Mr. Jeffery's heart had slopped Ke was "dead."
in his ch?st and for 30 minutes An eigh;-inch incision was made
only the skill of the team kept him alive Oxygen was pumped
down hLs throat, injections were made directly into h:s heart. The
hea-t itself was hand-massaged fhroughou; the emergency A de-
ftbrolation machine was several times.

The Natal Mercury,

Miss Gillanderes said
the child was clinically
dead when the team ar­
rived. There was neither
heartbeat, blood pressure
nor breath and his pupils
were dilated.
‘A neighbour had a l­
ready started resuscitation
before we arrived. We pat
through an air way to help
him start breathing, we
used drugs and we tried to
shock his heart into work­
ing with the paddles.'
Brain damage
He was sieved to hospital
where doctors aided the re-
snscitatiea hid and about
1# minutes later the moni­
tor indicated his heart had
begun to pump.
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