The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(^26) People of the Boob
Come to, I pray thee,1
let me come in unto thee2
(for he knew not that she was
his daughter-in-law).*
And she said, What wilt thou give me,
that thou mayest come in unto me?4
(HOLY BIBLE) Genesis 38:16
People did not carry ready cash or credit cards with them in
those days, so he said that he would send her a goat kid from
his flock after he had had sexual intercourse with her. Tamar
was not one to be taken in by such glib talk. She had a master
plan, well thought out and scientifically executed. She bargains:
“ W hat guarantee is there for me that the goat kid would
be sent?” "What guarantee do you want?” Asks Judah. “Your
ring, your bracelets (people used to wear bangles on their wrists
those days) and the rod that you are carrying in your hand.” The
old man handed the things requested and cohabited with his
daughter-in-law. With this single copulation she conceived, not
forgetting that both Er and Onan had singularly failed to
impregnate Tamar.
Within three months the pregnancy became apparent. Tongues
began to wag. The news reached Judah that Tamar had “ played
the harlot and was with child by whoredom.” His righteous
indignation knew no bounds. He ordered, “ Bring her forth (the
bitch), and let her be burnt.” Before this she was a witch (he
had lost two sons on account of her). Now she is a bitch
and deserves to be burnt alive!
Tamar was more wily than Judah could imagine. Before she
could be confronted by her father-in-law, she sent forth the ring,

  1. Do me a favour. 1 beg you

  2. Let me have intercourse with you.

  3. These words within brackets are not in the original Hebrew manuscripts. They happen to
    be the words of the translators. God Almighty did not deem fit to inspire Moses (pbuh)
    with such tittle tattle. In all the later editions of the Bible, the words in brackets are
    retained, but the brackets are removed, thus transmuting editorial notes into God’s word.
    The Christians seem to have the licence to change God’s Word.

  4. To have intercourse with me.

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