The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

40 Combat Kit

1 A ID S AND H O M O SEXU A LITY: The Holy Bible
gives the cause for this cancer and blight:
“ Professing themselves to be wise,
they become fools,
And changed the glory o f the
incorruptible God into an image made
like CORRUPTIBLE M AN ...” (i.e. man-gods)
“ Wherefore (for this reason), God also
gave them up to uncleanness through the
lusts o f their own hearts, to dishonour
their own bodies between themselves (in
sodomies and lesbianism),
“ Who changed the truth o f God (to worship
Him in truth and in Spirit) for a lie, and
worshipped and served the creature (born
of a woman) more than the Creator ..,
For this cause God gave them up unto
vile affections (men with men and women
with women); for even their women
changed the natural use for that which
is against nature (bestialities);
And likewise also the men, leaving the
natural use o f the woman, burned
in their lust one toward another, MEN
(HOLY BIBLE) Romans 1:22-27

  1. ARABS AND ARABIA: In the Christian Bible.
    (a) “ The burden upon Arabia ...”
    Isaiah 21:17
    BURDEN: meaning the responsibility of the Muslim
    Arabs, and of course of all Muslims now to spread the
    religicn of Islam.
    Isaiah mentioned this after having seen the vision of a
    chariot of asses and a chariot of camels (Isaiah 21:7).

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