The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Combat Kit 71

unceremoniously expunged, thus confirming this Quranic

“ They do blaspheme who say:
God is one of three
In a Trinity: for there is
no God except one God.
If they desist not
From their word (of blasphemy),
Verily a grevious penalty
Will befall the blasphemers
Among them.” Holy Qur'an 5:7c

Thank God! The Christians are willy-nilly discovering pagan
forgeries in their "Word of God", but they are still dragging
their feet.

  1. SWINE: The flesh of the swine forbidden —

(a) "Of their flesh (of the swine) shall ye NOT EAT,
and their carcase ye shall NOT TOUCH; they
are unclean to you."
Leviticus 11 :£

Jesus (pbuh) destroyed 2000 pigs to heal one man -

(b) “And forthwith Jesus gave them leave (per­
mission). And the unclean spirits (the devils)
went out, and entered into the swine: and the
herd ran violently down a steep place into the
sea, (they were about two thousand); and were

choked in the sea." (^) Mark w , 5:Is

  1. WINE: Look for 14Alcohol” in the index

  2. WHORING: See under “ISRA E LITE S” in the index.

  3. WOMEN: Forbidden to open their mouths in the Church —

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