Essays in Anarchism and Religion

(Frankie) #1

186 Essays in Anarchism and Religion: Volume 1

der Gleichnistheorie (Jülicher, Jeremias, Weder, Arens, Harnisch)’,
Theologische Zeitschrift, 45 (1989), 335–351.

Dunn, James D. G., ‘Jesus Tradition in Paul’, in Studying the Historical
Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research, ed. by Bruce
Chilton and Craig A Evans (Leiden: Brill, 1994), pp. 155–178.

Dzielska, Maria, Apollonius of Tyana in Legend and History (Rome:
L’Erma di Bretschneider, 1986).

Ehrman, Bart D., Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999).

Ehrman, Bart D., Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus
of Nazareth (San Francisco, CA: HarperOne, 2012).

Esenwein, George R., Anarchist Ideology and the Working-Class
Movement in Spain, 1868–1898 (Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 1989).

Evans, Craig A., ‘Jesus in Non-Christian Sources’, in Studying the
Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research,
ed. by Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans (Leiden: Brill, 1998),
pp. 443–478.

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., The Nuer: a Description of the Modes of
Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1940).

Eve, Eric, The Healer from Nazareth: Jesus’ Miracles in Historical
Context (London: SPCK, 2009).

Faure, Sébastien, Les douze preuves de l’inexistence de Dieu, (Paris:
Librairie sociale, 1908).

Fiorenza, Elizabeth Schüssler, In Memory of Her: A Feminist
Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins, 2nd edn
(London: SCM, 2009).

Flusser, David and R. Steven Notley, The Sage from Galilee:
Rediscovering Jesus’ Genius, 4th edn (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
2007 [1968]).

Fonrobert, Charlotte, and Martin S. Jaffee, ‘Introduction: The
Talmud, Rabbinic Literature, and Jewish Culture’, in The
Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature,

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