116-page lost manuscript, 286, 295, 323
Cowdery and Whitmer had no knowledge of, 295
included Isaiah chapter 1, missing from BOM, 287
Joseph Jr. and, 299
Lehi and, 101, 614
Lucy Harris and, 298
Martin Harris and, 295, 299, 324, 571, 614–15
mentions the "Order of Aaron", 602
purpose for loss of, 295, 298
re-translation of, 117, 295
speaks against organized religion, 324, 571, 614
Zenos and Zenock and, 287, 614
Abel (Biblical), 377
Abel, Elijah, 119, 334, 398, 493
Abinadi (BOM prophet), 36, 212, 291
Abraham (Biblical), 305, 312
mentioned in the revelation on plural marriage,
647, 654–6, 658, 659–60, 663
was NOT commanded to live polygamy, 664
Abraham, book of (as given by Joseph Jr.). See
Book of Abraham, the
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 647
Adam and Eve
endowment presentation of, 246–8, 314, 536
A. was confused about Priesthoods, 588, 592
A. was NOT a polygamist, 672
in the lone and dreary world, 314, 680
Lucifer gives religion to, 348
Lucifer tells the real truth to, 678–9
represents participants, 221, 547
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and, 250,
368, 678
true messengers sent to, 546, 680
was Michael/the Holy Ghost, 221, 536, 679
represents the inhabitants of earth, 368, 547, 555,
559, 564, 631
story of, 73, 79, 108, 119, 182
Adam, fall of, 176–7, 199, 201, 267, 363, 630
Adam-God theory, 221
Adams, Augusta, 668
Adams, George J., 21
Adams, Judge James, 24, 535, 544
Address to All Believers in Christ, An (Whitmer),
336, 451, 582, 614
adultery, 656, 657, 661–2, 664
Brigham Young accused of, 667
committed in the heart, 433, 664
early punishment for, 422
Joseph Jr. accused of, 448
advanced human being(s), 184, 588, 598, 612–13,
615, 620, 639, 678
appearance of, 190
as creators, 13, 40, 109, 598
Christ as, 11, 13, 180, 218, 595
contacted Joseph Jr., 85, 133, 152, 160, 184
date/detals of, 185, 189–94
contacted the brother of Jared, 14, 180
created the Book of Mormon, 134, 180, 225, 296, 323
based loosely on historical events, 462
hid the real truth within, 177–8
meant for those who were "poor in spirit", 445
part of the final lesson for mortals, 366–7
to counter the Bible, 103, 177, 458, 618
and those who believed in it, 294, 370, 375–6
to prove that all races are equal, 370, 375, 377, 458
to provide choice between good and evil, 210, 370
to show the necessity of a Christ, 110
existence of, 40, 85, 176, 178, 186, 272, 691
God as, 9, 14
humans as, 109, 191, 588
cannot access past experiences, 76
creation of, 128, 176, 178, 187, 221, 246, 367
foundationalization process ("pre-moral life") of,
40–1, 128, 459
are all aware of Christ's role, 61–2
free will to choose gender/physical looks, 128
going through a mortal stage of development, 14,
45, 62, 129
real truth is concealed from, 679
interactions with (advanced humans), 41, 66, 155,
162, 609
cannot impede free will in any way, 375
Joseph Jr., 2, 272, 690
by means of the U&T, 162, 692
called to be a true messenger, 25, 85
exposed to advanced technology, 38
first interaction, 1, 171
J. mandated to allow a new religion, 38, 71, 639
J. understood the purpose of life from a.h.b., 70
prejudiced his mind, 199
protocol set, 5