Without Disclosing My True Identity
Bush, George W., 144
Cahoon, Reynolds, 182, 575
Cain (Biblical), 377
Campbell, Alexander, 345–7, 353
Campbell, Thomas, 345, 347, 354
Campbellites, 345–6, 686
Canada, 333, 385, 449, 453, 455, 642
Cannon, George Q., 540
Bruce R. McConkie on, 118
Capitalism, 154, 243, 377
Captain Moroni (not to be confused with "Angel"
Moroni), 371
Carlin, Governor Thomas, 488, 508, 520, 538, 552
Carthage, IL, 58, 488, 538, 545, 571, 582
jail of, 3, 16, 20, 57–8, 64, 116, 510, 523, 552
meeting of Joseph Jr.'s enemies held, 548
Celestial kingdom, 501, 511–12, 531, 567
Celestial marriage, 332, 644, See also polygamy
Chandler, Michael, 419
Chase, Willard, 261
Christ, 565, 598–9
any can help cause of, by desiring to do so, 600
apostles/disciples of, 154, 201, 473, 616, 620, 626
C. counseled them what to teach, 619, 627
commanded to teach his words, nothing varying,
292, 439, 506, 596
John the Beloved, 125, 605
Judas, 566
Peter, 226
"the Brothers", 192, 693
Three Nephites and, 77–8, 595
as a true messenger, 44, 59, 178, 677
as an advanced human being, 13, 40, 199, 595
as the "Father", 9, 211–12
as the "one sitting upon the white horse", 498
as the Only Begotten Son, 564
atonement of, 7, 172, 564, 630
authority from, 595–6, 619, 625
bearer of. See Christopher
BOM and, 408, See also BOM, Christ and
prophecies concerning, 292, 362
brother of Jared and, 14, 180, 407
character in Temple Endowment, 79, 127,
220–1, 536
instructed by God, 9, 79, 213, 246, 546
part of the Godhead, 220, 535
Christian view of, 160, 175, 211, 458, 585
did not believe they would have killed Christ, 111
George Fox and, 68
Jacob Cochran and, 639
white-skinned man, 369
crucifixion of, 557, 566, 627, 639
reasons for, 178, 210
cutting his work short in righteousness, 16, 412
meaning of, 362
description of C.
a man like ourselves, 60
created as a gendered male being, 564
equality with all humans, 173, 179, 556, 586
experience of, 78–9
free will of, explained in Human Reality (2009), 369
knowledge and intelligence of, 596
voice of, 609, 611, 614, 626
doctrine of, 359, 627–8
faith in, 50, 97, 285, 294
explanation of, 286
followers of, 115, 588, 626
those who are humble, 415, 417, 491
Gentiles and. See Gentiles, Christ and
gift of the Holy Ghost and, 616
gospel of, 295, 351, 596, 679, See also Christ,
message of and Christ, words of
American Indians and, 460
apostle Paul describes, 531
concerning homosexuality, 114
concerning plural relationships, 643
corrupted/changed by the world, 130
description of those who would accept it, 445
did not include Priesthood authority, 590
fighting is contrary to, 7
financial inequality negates, 67
found among many different peoples of the
world, 463
found in Bible and BOM, xxvii, 112, 114, 385, 460,
557, 596
Joseph gave hints concerning, 363
LDS/Mormons (early)
changed the tenets of, 71, 385, 496, 576, 627
neglected/rejected, 8, 362, 392, 427, 446, 473,
494, 677
by avenging their enemies, 404, 405, 470
replaced with a Church, 490, 498, 552,
576, 676
LDS/Mormons (modern) disregard, 406, 433
Mohammed and, 130
Nephites rejected, 295, 440, 627
results of following, 105, 480
those rejecting belong to "church of the devil", 627
violated by exercising authority over others, 592
history of, 85
hope of, 113, 218
Jews and, 85, 212, 604, 690
method of teaching them, 209
rebuked their religion, 605
taught them according to their beliefs and
traditions, 604, 676
taught them the fullness of the Gospel, xxvii, 210
they rejected C., 104, 531, 574–5, 677
Joseph Jr. and, 41, 197, 272, 467
attendance at his "graduation", 237, 274