Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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152 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Asperge: To sprinkle with holy or magickally-charged
water for purification and to disperse negative
Smudge: To purify by wafting the smoke of burning
incense over and around whatever or whomever
is being smudged.
Deosil: “Sunwise.” The natural direction of the Sun.
This is clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and
counter-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
Usually considered the best direction to move
when working positive magick.
Widdershins: “Against the direction.” Opposite of
deosil. Contrary to the apparent course of the Sun.
Counter-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and
clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
Incubation: Going into a temple or other sacred place
alone for a period of time to receive divine inspi-
ration, visions or dreams.
Mudra: Physical gestures used primarily as magickal
associational devices by linking parts of the bioen-
ergetic system.
Mantra: Words or sounds that trigger parts of the
bioenergetic system, energize parts of the astral
plane, or trigger powerful energies for magickal,
mystical, or health purposes. They are also used
as magickal associational devices.
Mandala: A visual image used primarily as a magickal
associational device, particularly when drawn in
a circular design.
Object link: Any object, such as a lock of hair, that
by association becomes a link between the magi-
cian and the person for or against whom the magick
is being worked. Also called relics.
Poppet: A doll or figurine made in the image of an
actual person or animal, which acts as a focus for
Charm: Spoken or written magickal words. Also,
objects carried on one’s person for their magickal
powers or properties.
Incantation: The words of a spell that are chanted or
sung, often in a repetitive and rhyming form.
Cantrip: A written spell or charm that reads the same
forwards or backwards.
Spell: An organized act to alter probabilities in the
direction desired; simply, to make something more
or less likely to occur. A spell may include mudras,
mantras, and mandalas.
Ritual: Specific actions and/or words designed to
produce specific results, and often repeated for the
same purpose.
Working: Any magickal act.
Banish: To send away or demand the departure of
entities whose presence is no longer wanted.
Exorcism: A formal ritual of magickal banishment
invoking the authority of a higher power.
Conjure/Conjuration: Summoning up non-physical
entities or spirits.

Invoke/Invocation: “To speak from within.” Invit-
ing a deity or spirit to enter into us, so that we
speak with its voice and/or manifest its attributes
in our own person. Invoke also means “to petition
or call for help or aid.”
Evoke/Evocation: “To speak from without.” Sum-
moning a deity or spirit into visible manifestation
outside of ourselves—usually within a triangle of
art, crystal, or image—or into another person.
Evoke means “to summon and cause to appear;”
or “to produce through artistry a vivid impression.”
Grounding: A shutting down of psychic awareness
and returning to normal conscious thought pat-
Charge: To imbue something with magickal energy
and intent.
Consecrate/Consecration: To sanctify or bless. The
act of setting apart the sacred from the mundane.
Blessing: The use of magick to benefit yourself or
Blighting: The use of magick to harm others.
Binding: Magically restraining someone or some-
Curse: A magickal spell intended to harm another or
wish misfortune upon them.
Dharma: “Work.” A religious precept, or sacred tasks.
Karma: “Action.” The concept that one’s deeds can
be counted either for or against spiritual advance-
ment, in this life or over several lifetimes.
Enlightenment: A state of deep and total awareness,
experiencing constant connectedness with all and
Lucidity: A state of enhanced awareness, with an
exceptional understanding of the “is-ness” of
things, people and events and their connectedness.

Lesson 4: Doing Magick

The power of magickal rituals comes from their
ability to arouse the emotions necessary for spell-cast-
ing, from the correspondences between the rituals and
the desired results, and from the correspondences
between the rituals and the Universe, including our
own minds and memories. This includes memories of
former incarnations and memories that predate our
existence as civilized beings—or even as human crea-
tures. Emotional control and release are necessary in
the practice of magick. Control enables you to con-
centrate, visualizing the effect you want to produce.
Emotional release allows the visualized desire, with
its accompanying strong emotion, to surge up and be
propelled forward toward the subject of your spell.
Your emotions are the basis of your ability to do
magick. No matter the magickal system, personal
power must be infused with the need and intention,
and then released. The energies of magick are those

  1. Rites.p65 152 1/15/2004, 9:08 AM

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