Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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154 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

link and incantation are commonly used
to make the poppet the magickal repre-
sentative of the subject, and link the liv-
ing subject of the spell with your
Magick ritual. An object-link may be
established by the use of a relic,
which is anything formerly con-
nected with the subject. This is
called contagious magick, based
on the Law of Contact, which
says that “things once in contact
continue to affect each other.” The
strongest relics by far are parts of
the subject’s body—such as hair,
nail clippings, blood, a tooth, and
the like—containing the person’s
DNA. These would then be incor-
porated into the making of the poppet.
Other suitable relics are items of the subject’s
clothing in which the poppet would be dressed or
personal jewelry belonging to the subject. Samples
of handwriting (especially signatures) also work well
as object links, and photographs are now commonly
used, especially for long-distance healings.

Tasks: Sympathetic Magick
Here are a few types of sympathetic magick that
you can try yourself. Once you’ve done a few of these,
you’ll have a sense of how sympathetic magick works,
and you can begin to create your own.

Candle Magick
Candles have been used in sympathetic magick
for millennia to represent people as well as things and
concepts: love, money, luck, success, health, harmony,
strength, fertility, and all manner of things. The candles
can be of any size or shape; it’s the color that’s im-
portant. See the listings of color correspondences in
1.III.8: “The Colors of Magick.” Also consult the
Tables of Correspondence in 3.VI for the colors asso-
ciated with the Elements, days of the week, and signs
of the Zodiac. Briefly, here is a spectrum of some of
the most popular color associations for candle magick:

White—Purity, truth, sincerity; blessing, or anything
you want!
Pink—Honor, love, morality.
Red—Physical work, as in healing of people and ani-
mals; strength, health, passion, and sex.
Orange—Pride and courage; heroism and attraction.
Yellow—Mental work, meditation, divination.
Green—Vegetation, as in gardening; fertility and
prosperity; luck.
Light blue—Emotional work, love, etc.; peace and
Dark blue—Impulsion, depression, changeability.
Purple—Power, wealth, good fortune, ambition.

Black—Evil, loss, discord, confusion; blighting or

Candle magick should be done on your personal
altar—just make sure there is nothing anywhere near
or above it which could catch fire, and never leave
candles burning unattended!
If you are burning a candle for yourself or some
other person, you should first choose a candle of a
color that expresses your intention or purpose.
Botanicas and occult shops sell candles of various
colors in the shape of men and women, which are
very excellent for this kind of candle magick, but these
are not required. Ordinary tapers or votive candles
will do, as long as they’re the right color.
Next, inscribe the subject’s name into the candle
with a sharp instrument—ideally, the point of your
athamé. As you do, visualize the subject (you might
want to have a photo to look at, or a mirror if it’s
you), and name the candle accordingly, saying some-
thing like:

This waxen candle I do name
As (subject’s full name); may its flame
As (subject’s first name)’s spirit now burn bright
Empower my spell with magick might!

Then you should “dress” the candle by anointing
it all over with the appropriate oil. You can buy es-
sential oils of almost any herb in health food stores,
botanicas, occult shops, and even some drug stores
(see Tables of Correspondence in 3.VI). To dress the
candle, put a few drops of oil on it, and rub them in
with your hands from the center outwards, while con-
centrating your thoughts on the person and purpose.
Now, light the Fire candle on your altar, then turn
out all the lights in the room. Begin the ritual by draw-
ing a Circle around yourself and the altar with your
wand or athamé, calling the Directions and invoking
whatever Spirits you wish to join you (consult Tables
of Correspondence). See 4.IV: “Conducting a Ritual”
for more information on this. Now meditate for a mo-
ment on your intention, visualizing what you want to
happen as a result of this working.
Then light the candle representing the
subject of this spell, saying something like:

Candle burning in the night,
With your flame enchanted;
By the power of your light
May my wish be granted.

Sit for a while, staring into the
flame in a meditative state, and visual-
ize the desired outcome of your spell. When you feel
it is complete, thank the Spirits and the Elements you
had invited, and release the Circle. Finally, say some-

  1. Rites.p65 154 1/15/2004, 9:08 AM

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