Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1
it together before disap-
pearing into the
woods and fields
to sleep together
under the stars. This
celebration is specifically
in honor of the Great
Earth Mother, who nour-
ishes us with Her bounty
from Her ever-flowing caul-
dron, but we may also honor
the Sun Father at this time.
Litha is a festival for families,
marriage partners, and children.
It is the best time for marriages,
and also a time for future visions
and faerie favors.

At Annwfn & Raven Haven
Annwfn is part of a much larger
5,600-acre homesteading community
known as Greenfield Ranch. From the
community’s founding in 1972, Summer Sol-
stice has always been the biggest party of the
year, with swimming, potluck feasting, live
bands, and entertainment. We have lots of wa-
ter games in the big ranch pond: watermelon races,
water ballet, rope swinging, jumping into the water
from high in the overhanging trees. A great Circle is
held to spread a magickal umbrella of invisibility and
protection over the entire land. Fireworks light up the
night, with drumming and dancing around the great
bonfire. We may even have a dramatic performance,
such as Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
with all the kids taking parts.
For eleven years, I lived with my family beside
the Rushing River, and we often held Litha at our beach
there. Some of our favorite things to do were inner-
tubing down the river (see 2.V.2: “The River”) and
wallowing in a “Primal Ooze Pit.” This was made by
positioning an inflatable kids’ swimming pool over a
shallow pit dug in the sand, with a thin slick “ooze”
made with water and powdered white porcelain slip
we bought at a ceramics supply store. We’d also make
up bowls of colored ooze from powdered tempera
paints, and decorate each other. We’d let the ooze dry
on our skin, and then wash it off in the river.

At Your House
Litha is a classic time for magick of all kinds. Cel-
ebrate Nature’s sacrifice and renewal, and make
changes in your own life. Make a protective solar tal-
isman to put up on your door. Nurture your crops, and
harvest magickal herbs from your garden. Decorate
your altars with Summer flowers; use a white altar cloth
and candles, and fill your chalice with water. Litha is
also a special time for honoring and blessing animals,

so bring your pets and fa-
miliars into your Circle.
Give them special treats
and attention, letting
them know how much you
love them.
Since Litha is just before
the US Independence Day on
the 4th of July, you can often
buy fireworks at this time (un-
less you live in a very dry area
with high fire danger in the Sum-
mer). My favorites are fountains,
which can be safely set off at a
beach, around a campfire, or on the
driveway. These have the colored
sparkles and special effects of the high-
exploding skyrockets, without the dan-
gers of shooting them into the air. Each
firework can be set off as a spell, naming
the purpose before you light it. Be sure to
keep a water hose handy just in case any
sparks get away!

Lesson 5. Lughnasadh

For Lughnasadh is given
The first fruits of the grain,
John Barleycorn is riven
But rises up again.
The Oak is door to wonders;
The Golden Bough it bears.
The fire of Lammas sunders
All sorrows and all cares.
—Leigh Ann Hussey

Lughnasadh (LOO-na-sahd, meaning “Games of
Lugh”), traditionally August 1st but astrologically fall-
ing several days later (at 15° Leo) is named for Lugh,
an Irish solar god. It was traditional to hold faires at
this time. Marking the beginning of “Earth’s sorrow-
ing Autumn,” as Emer said to her husband Cuchulain,
this Blessing of the First Fruits is also called Bron
Trogain, or “Harvest’s Beginning.” As the Feast of
Bread, it is commemorated by baking the first loaves
of bread from the first grains to be harvested; the bread
represents the body of the fallen God.
Once a month-long festival held in Ireland at
Teltown on the River Boyne (named for the cow god-
dess Boann, “She of the White Track,” i.e. the Milky
Way), Lughnasadh is traditionally celebrated with
competitive games among men and boys. The win-
ners are declared champions and heroes and held re-
sponsible for the defense of the village. This is a fes-
tival dedicated to male energy, and priests serve as
the Green Man and Red Man, presiding over op-
posing teams. The Irish Tailteann Games were origi-

Course Four: Rites 191

Corrected pages 3rd printing.2.p65 17 6/10/2004, 4:02 PM

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