Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1
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first and most important thing is usually your Sun
sign (that is, the Sign your Sun is in). The rising sign
(the Sign in the ascendant position) is next in impor-
tance. Then your Moon, and the rest of the planets in
the above order. So I would say, for instance, that my
Sun is in Sagittarius, my rising sign is Aquarius, my
Moon is in Virgo, my Mercury and Venus are in Sagit-
tarius, etc. And the interpretation of my horoscope
would be based on the attributions of those planets,
in those signs, in those houses—plus their aspects.
There are a number of other factors that increase
the complexity of horoscopes, but I won’t try and go
into them here. For more information, check out a book
on astrology.

Lesson 5. The Tarot

The Tarot is a set of 78 special playing cards with
particular symbolic images, used in divination. Al-
though many believe the Tarot to be of ancient origin,
there is no record of these cards before the 14th cen-
tury, when they first appeared in Italy. Ever since, a
knowledge of the Tarot has been considered essential
for any Wizard. There are many, many different Tarot
decks available. You should visit a store that sells
them, and spend some time looking through various
decks until you find one you especially like. The basic
meanings are fairly universal, but some will have their
own variations. Each deck comes with its own little
booklet, explaining the symbolic meanings of all the
cards in the deck. Study these until you can recognize
them readily, and practice doing readings for yourself
before you begin doing them for others.
The “Great Pack” of the Tarot consists of two
sets of cards: the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the
Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Minor Arcana is almost
identical to a regular poker deck of playing cards which
is derived from it, consisting of four Elemental suits
(swords, wands/rods, cups, pentacles/disks—corre-
sponding with spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds).
Each suit has ten numbered cards, plus four court
cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King. A poker deck
has only three court cards: Jack, Queen, and King.)
The suits are associated with those aspects of hu-
man life that fall into the Elemental categories. They are:

Swords (Fire): Political concerns, will,
power, dominance, struggle.
Wands (Air): Spiritual concerns, intellect,
learning, career, honor.
Cups (Water): Emotional concerns, love,
relationships, friends, family, home.
Pentacles (Earth): Material concerns,
wealth, health, property, security.

The numbered and Court cards of each Suit also have
their own significance, which are paralleled but unique

according to the suit. Within each suit, these are:

Ace – Beginnings.
2 – Balance required.
3 – Growth.
4 – Stability.
5 – Uncertainty.
6 – Harmony.
7 – Endings.
8 – Balance achieved.
9 – Success.
10 – Completion.
Page – A youth affecting you, or a bringer of news.
Knight – Ambitious person, or bringer of change.
Queen – An important woman supporting your
King – A dominant man affecting your pursuits.

The Major Arcana are also called the Trumps.
These contain the symbolic pictures most commonly
identified with tarot cards. These are numbered in a
specific order, with established names and meanings,
and are by far the most powerful cards in a reading.
They also have astrological correspondences with
signs and planets, letters of the Hebrew alphabet,
sephiroth, and many other symbols. Here are the Major
Arcana, with a very brief indication of their meanings:

  1. The Fool
    Starting out on
    a new venture.

  2. The
    Gaining posi-
    tive guidance
    & mentorship.

  3. The High
    Gaining esoteric


  1. Empress 

  2. Emperor 
    Needing to
    take responsi-
    bility & exer-
    cise discipline.

  3. The High


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232 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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