Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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236 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

with life line.

  1. Apollo or Sun Line: Artistic ability, chances of

  2. Intuition Line: Insight, intuition.

The Secondary Lines are:

  1. Girdle of Venus: Passions.

  2. Cross Line: Power to govern.

  3. Lines of Union: Marriage, children.

  4. Martian Lines: Personal triumph, glory in battle.

  5. Travel Lines: Journeys, discoveries.

  6. Mercury or Health Lines: Bodily, mental, and
    spiritual well-being.

  7. Three Bracelets: a. Health, b. Wealth, c. Happiness.

This is only a brief introduction to chiromancy. As with
all these systems of divination, there is far more in-
volved than I can explain here. If you are interested in
studying and practicing palmistry, the classic books
are Cheiro’s Language of the Hand and Fred Gettings’s
The Book of the Hand.

Lesson 8: Scrying

Scrying (“seeing”) is the art of gazing into a transpar-
ent medium with a reflective surface and seeing (“de-
scrying”) visions: “Things that were, and things that
are, and things that yet may be...” (Galadriel, from
The Fellowship of the Ring). Scrying with water (as in
Galadriel’s Mirror) is properly called hydromancy; mir-
ror scrying is catoptromancy. And crystal gazing is
called crystallomancy. Polished quartz crystals have
been used for scrying all over the world since ancient
times. Such crystals were found in the 8,000-year-old
ruins of the Temple of Hathor in Egypt. In Roman Eu-
rope, small crystal balls were used by the Franks and
Saxons. However, mirrors and water were the common
mediums for scrying during the Middle Ages.
Crystal balls came into widespread use among
Wizards from the time of John Dee (1527–1608), court
Wizard to Queen Elizabeth I, who used an egg-sized
“shew-stone.” By the 19th century,
crystallomancy had become firmly
established as one

of the most popular forms of fortune-telling, ranking
alongside astrology, palmistry, tarot, and taseomancy.
The largest pure quartz crystal ball known was dis-
played at the 1904 World’s Fair. It was 18” in diameter!
In 3.II.8: “The Speculum, or Magick Mirror,” I gave
you instructions for creating a magick scrying mirror.
Now, here are the instructions for how to use it:

The Black Scrying Mirror
(by Katlyn Breene)

The black scrying mirror, or magick mirror (also called
speculum), is a powerful psychic tool. History shows its
use in many of the traditional Mystery schools and oracu-
lar temples. Today the serious student of magickal arts
can rediscover the ancient rites of the magick mirror for
these positive techniques are again coming to light.
Scrying can be defined as the mantic art of gazing
into or upon a crystal or dark mirror, allowing the physi-
cal eyes to relax, thus letting the inner psychic eyes be-
gin to open and receive desired visions or information.
The use of the black mirror is felt to be one of the best
methods of achieving the state of mind required for en-
tering scrying work. It not only acts as a focal point for
visualization but can become a “doorway” or window
into the Astral plane. It allows communication with higher
realms and spirit teachers, the subconscious, and access
to Akashic records. The traditional crystal ball is also a
wonderful tool, but it is more difficult to scry with and is
extremely expensive. The mirror is a more efficient way
to begin to learn to scry and journey in other realms.
These techniques may be used with a Crystal Ball as
well as the Black Scrying Mirror.
Consider the reality of the Akashic records, in
which all ideas, actions, influences, and vibrations are
stored. The practiced scryer has the ability to “read”
these records and focus on this vast source of timeless
knowledge with the aid of the mirror and a strongly
directed imagination. Guides from the World of Spirit
often lead the scryer in astral travel and mental jour-
neying through the black mirror or crystal sphere.
Scrying develops one’s clairvoyant abilities and is es-
pecially helpful in strengthening the third eye.
Sit before your mirror and begin to imagine ob-
jects on its surface, one after another. You should try
to see these images clearly in the mirror with your eyes
open, just as if they were there in reality. Try simple
shapes or colors first. Hold on to the image of each
shape, object, or color one minute before dissolving it
and going on to the next. For example, use a red tri-
angle, a yellow square, a blue circle, and silver cres-
cent. See them appear in the mirror using your firm
imagination. For best results, do this exercise every-
day for fifteen minutes until it is mastered. This exer-
cise is well worth the effort. It gives magickal disci-
pline and strengthens the inner eye, so visions can
come with clarity and ease.

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 236 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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