Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Course Five: Spectrum, Part 1 239

can be placed upon, within, or behind altar objects
and tools to make them glow with magical light. A
blue battery-operated l.e.d. placed in the bottom
of an empty chalice shines forth a beautiful glow,
creating an otherworldly effect.

Water into Magickal Sweet Drink (Oberon)
Effect: This one is great for kids. The Wizard lines up
a row of empty wineglasses. Taking a clear pitcher
of clear water, he pours some out into each glass.
As he does so, the water in each glass turns a dif-
ferent color. The glasses can be passed out and drunk,
and each will taste differently flavored and sweet.
Arcanum: Buy a package of plastic picnic wine glasses
with attachable stems from the grocery store. Also
buy an assortment of small bottles of liquid food
coloring and flavoring, and place a few drops of a
different color into the bottom of each glass, along
with a single drop of flavoring that matches the
color. Let the coloring and flavoring dry completely
and it will become practically invisible. Then, when
you pour clear water into it, the dried coloring and
flavoring will dissolve and color the water. Add
sugar and ice to the water in the pitcher, and tell
your audience that these are magickal sweet drinks!

Relighting Candle (Oberon)
Effect: A burning candle is blown out. A match is lit
and held above the candle. A flame from the burn-
ing match jumps down through empty air and re-
lights the candle. This can be repeated over and over.
Arcanum: This requires nothing more than a perfectly
ordinary candle and matches. Light the candle and
let it burn for a minute or so before blowing it out.
Then light a match and place its flame directly in
the column of smoke rising from the candle, about
an inch above the wick. Experiment to determine
exactly how far above the candle you should hold
the match.

Flash Spells (Magnus)
Effect: During a simple burning ceremony, ritualists
are given small sheets of paper to write their inten-
tions for casting into the fire. The paper burns in-
stantly in a bright flash, creating a heightened charge,
and creating a “more real than real” moment.
Arcanum: High-grade chemical-impregnated “flash
paper” is available at all magic shops

Colored Flames (Magnus)
Effect: Strangely colored flames dance as the Wizard
makes his oracular divination from the voice and
images leaping from the fire.
Arcanum: Various chemical blends can be added to
fires to change the colors of the flames. This can
create an otherworldly effect when utilized in a fire-

gazing meditation. These compounds can be inex-
pensively obtained from stores that sell fireplace

Sparkles from Your Fingertips (Magnus)
Effect: When invoking deities into the ritual Circle,
the magi pass their hands over the fire and twin-
kling sparks dance in the flames, rising as an offer-
ing towards the heavens.
Arcanum: Take a replacement flint for a Zippo lighter
and grind it into powder in your mortar. Sprinkle
carefully over flames. As with all fire effects, prac-
tice makes perfect!

Dragon’s Breath (Magnus)
Effect: Witches dance in a circle chanting the names
of power that will charge their intention. They spin
faster and faster around the fire until the fire spirits
shoot forth a sudden volcanic blast of fire to the mote it be!
Arcanum 1: A handful of lycopodium powder, safely
tossed into the ritual fire at the height of a power
raising, not only gives an added theatrical impact
to the climax of the ritual but serves as a visual/
auditory signal for the participants to target the
energy raised towards the ritual intention. Be careful
and practice to get the right dosage of powder,
and keep it away from flowing ritual garb! Lyco-
podium is sold under the name of “Dragon’s
Breath” at magic shops.
Arcanum 2: (Oberon) Although not quite as spec-
tacular as lycopodium powder, Cremora (powdered
coffee creamer) also creates an impressive fireball
when you sprinkle a handful into the flames of a
ritual fire. A few practice attempts may be neces-
sary for you to learn the best way to get the most
dramatic effect. Cremora works because it has a high
fat content. Other powdered coffee creamers will
work, but only if they have that high fat content.

CAUTION: Be very careful with chemicals and
fire! Even if the chemicals you use are safe as
described here, they may not also be safe if used
with other chemicals, or with the potent drugs
taken for asthma or other medical problems. Even
something as simple as causing a flare-up in a
bonfire by tossing in Cremora could be a prob-
lem for someone who has asthma and who gets a
face full of dust, or if a person is standing too
close to the fire. So be careful around fire, and
make sure to provide yourself with proper fire pre-
vention and emergency supplies: fire extinguish-
ers, sand, water, and baking soda. And if you want
to experiment with chemicals, do it in alchemistry
class, with teacher supervision, not around a
campfire or in your living room!

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 239 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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