Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

242 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Magick Envelope
Illusion: You can produce things from an empty enve-
lope, or change things into something else.
Arcanum: Take a standard #10 white envelope. Cut a
piece of white paper (card stock) to the exact same
size as the envelope, so it fits perfectly inside. This
makes a double envelope with two sections (Fig.
1). To make things (silk scarves, flowers, notes,
leaves, feathers, etc.) appear

out of an empty envelope,
first hide them in the back pocket, then
hold that pocket shut with your thumb while you
show the front pocket to be empty. Then close the
envelope flap, and when you open it again, this
time stick your thumb into the back pocket to hold
it open while you dump out its contents into
someone’s hands. As you empty the back pocket,
show your audience only the side of the envelope
that doesn’t have the opening, or they will detect
the double pocket.
You can use the same trick to make things
turn into something else. You can turn a leaf into a
feather, petals into a flower, or torn-up pieces of a
leaf into a whole one.

Genie Bottle
Effect: You stick one end of an ordinary rope into the
mouth of a bottle, and the bottle will just dangle in
midair as you hold up the other end of the rope.
You can even swing it around, and it won’t fall off.
You can then easily remove the rope and pass both
rope and bottle around for inspection.
Arcanum: The secret is a small rubber ball (like for the
game of jacks), just small enough to fit easily
through the neck of the bottle. The bottle itself must
be opaque, with a neck. Various juice drink bottles
are excellent for this. The rope should be about ¼”
thick. Keep the rubber ball in your pocket until
you’re ready to insert the rope, and you can even
pass the bottle around beforehand. Palm the ball in
the hand holding the rope (Fig. 2), and drop it
into the bottle as you insert the rope. Then turn the

bottle upside-down to lower the ball, wedg-
ing the rope and ball into the neck of the
bottle as you pull out slightly on the rope
(Fig. 3). When you’re done dangling and
swinging the bottle, pull the rope out
gently along with the ball, and carefully
palm the ball as it emerges. Pocket the
ball surreptitiously as you offer the
rope and bottle to your audience to
inspect once again.

Rising Card
Effect: You, and only you, can make a card rise up
from a glass on your command. You set an empty
drinking glass on the table, and a deck of cards.
Ask a volunteer to pick any card from the deck
and hand it to you. Push the card down into the
glass and challenge them to try and talk it into ris-
ing. Nothing happens. Try the same thing with
someone else. When it’s your turn, take your card
and do something “mystical” (rub it on your sleeve,
say a magic word, tap it with your wand...). Insert
it into the glass and say: “Rise!” This time, the card
slowly rises up on your command.
Arcanum: This requires a glass with
tapered sides, narrower at the bot-
tom, with the opening no wider
than the width of a card. You
have previously prepared the
glass by rubbing a piece of dry
soap along the inside, on op-
posite sides, leaving two strips
about ½” wide (Fig. 4). When
you insert your volunteers’
cards, push them down along
the unsoaped sides. Then in your
turn, push your card down along
the soapy sides and it will slowly
slide back up on the film of soap.

Invisible Thread Tricks
For the following effects, fine black thread or fine
monofilament fishline is required. Also, you must wear
dark clothes. These illusions must be performed in
somewhat dim lighting, or far enough away from the
audience that they cannot see the thread. The finer the
thread, the closer audiences can be. Stretch out a length
of thread across your set and test the lighting and dis-
tance yourself beforehand. If you can see the thread,
so will your audience!

Rising Wand
Illusion: A stick dropped into a bottle held in your
hand mysteriously rises out of the bottle and into
the air, where you catch it in your other hand.
Arcanum: Tie one end of a 2’ length of invisible thread

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4
(Soap film)

Insert card to create
separate compartments

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 242 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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